Supplements for memory and concentration

Antioxidant supplements

Too many calories in the daily diet not only damage the health but "age" even the brain. Once again, the research confirms the importance of a correct supply. Not least the studies published in Science and Nature, which linked cell longevity in a low-calorie diet.
The new study focuses attention on a molecule that protects neurons from aging molecule that is activated if you eat less. The reduction is to be made of 30% of calories. Almost a third of the normal recommended as the basis of its physical structure and the type of activity that takes place. In other words, who should take 2000 calories, would reduce to 1,400.

The study was carried out by Italian researchers at the Catholic University of Rome conducted by the team of Giovambattista Pani, Institute of General Pathology directed by Achille Citizens, in collaboration with the team of Human Physiology led by Claudio Grassi, and was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS). The molecule called CREB1, is triggered by a diet low in calories and can stimulate other genes important for longevity and to the proper functioning of the brain. . "The goal now - says Pani - is to find a way to activate CREB1, for example through new drugs, even without having to undergo a strict diet. Calorie restriction has been an experimental device to discover and turn a protective circuit of the brain involving CREB1 and other genes responsible for longevity, sirtuins (Sirt). "

The rule CREB1 molecule normally important brain functions such as memory, learning and anxiety control. And his activity decreases, or is compromised, just by old age
. "The neurons - explains Grassi - communicate through specialized junctions, synapses, whose function is essential not only for the transmission of information in neural networks, but also for their storage (memory formation). The correct function of synapses is, therefore, crucial for learning and memory. Mind the alterations of the synapses are the basis of the cognitive decline that is observed in Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. Calorie restriction, as we have seen and demonstrated to enhance the capacity of synapses to store information. This beneficial effect is mediated by its CREB1. "

Studies in recent years, backed by numerous experimental results, they had already connected to a slowdown obesity and premature aging of brain function. Just like a typical diseases of old age, senile dementia in Parkinson's disease. On the contrary, the caloric restriction (performed in the right measure) keeps the brain young. It makes it more active. But the "buttons" molecular governing the positive effects of diet on the brain were previously unknown. The molecule identified by the group of scientists from the Catholic University of Rome opens up important new possibilities.  

Supplements for memory and concentration

Antioxidant supplements