The Oxidative stress
is defined now as an emerging risk factor for our health, and is associated with more than a hundred diseases, from stroke to heart, from rheumatoid arthritis to colitis, obesity, diabetes mellitus, until some forms of cancer.
Oxidative stress, due to the loss of the normal balance between production and elimination - by antioxidant defense systems - of oxygen free radicals, unfortunately, does not manifest itself through symptoms and signs characteristic that can only be detected through specific laboratory investigations, which is already available and CARRIED probably, in the future, even at the pharmacy.

In case of impaired oxidative balance can improve the lifestyle and, when necessary, based on the results of laboratory tests, assume, under the direct supervision of a doctor, specific formulations of natural antioxidants.

In many physiological and pathological situations can be very important to take antioxidants, with an approach to the problem of oxidative stress that is developed through the synergy between universities, doctors, laboratories, pharmacists and manufacturers of diagnostic and preparations - dedicated formulations.

Today - says prof.Eugenio Luigi Iorio, president of the International Observatory for oxidative stress, which participated in the beginning of 2010 to 'last international conference on free radicals in Japan and boasts prestigious collaborations with two Nobel Prizes in the field, Louis Unaware and Luc Montagnier - 20-25% of the population of industrialized countries continue to die of heart attack and stroke while not being exposed to none or only one of the traditional cardiovascular risk factors, such as, for example, cigarette smoking or high levels of cholesterol in the blood. We can and must still be done to these people. In this context, oxidative stress is one of the factors to consider and keep under control.  

How to measure oxidative stress?

With the D-ROMs test

Read more content on oxidative stress

We report an event that was held in Turin on June 16:

"OXIDATIVE STRESS: Causes, Effects, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies" is the theme of the conference which was held at the Centre of Turin Bensei June 16, 2011, organized by the 'Association of Biologists Piedmont.

The event offered to the speakers and attendees the opportunity to take stock of the situation on the theme of oxidative stress and have been present relatoril Prof. Eugenio Luigi Iorio, President of the International Observatory on Oxidative Stress, Prof. Fabrizia Bamonti, Associate Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology, University of Milan and other scholars of oxidative stress.

This event is accredited by the Ministry of Health and provides for the allocation of CME credits.