Natural supplements for preventing and combating allergies

An allergy affecting the 15/20% of the world's population or 1.5 billion people 1 of 7 billion.

In particular, according to "The White Paper of Allergology WAO 2011 - 2012" allergies take on the event:

allergic rhinitis: 10/30% of the population
allergic conjunctivitis: 10% of the population
atopic eczema: 2/10% of popolzione

Now let's see the impact on the world's population by type of allergy:

seasonal allergies the 10/15% of world population

food allergies 3/8% of the world population

drug allergies on 2/8% of the world population
allergies to insects the 1 / 1.5% of world population

The main culprits of spring allergies are pollen of these plants, of which we give the flowering period in Italy:

grasses, from April to July, in some areas up to September;

birch, from February to March to May, in some areas up to June;

parietaria, from March to July, but in August in colder regions, then in September and October;

composite, wild plants growing in the meadows in April from June to September;

mugwort and ragweed from August until October.

Natural supplements for preventing and combating allergies