Supplements for Mental Wellness

Each of us has a set of behaviors that constitute the basis of our unique personality. However, we repeat often established habits that may impair our ability to live a healthy and satisfying life .

In the UK, for happiness, Action for Happiness , in collaboration with Do Something Different, interviewed 5,000 men and women , asking each to give a rating between 1 and 10 to yourself in ten habits identified by the latest scientific research as having a key for happiness.

" Give" was the most important habit for those who conducted the survey.When asked " How often do you make an effort to help or be kind to others ? " Respondents scored an average of 7.41 out of 10. 1 of 6 (17%) scored 10 out of 10; 1 in 3 (36%) scored 8 or 9; 32% scored 6 or 7; and 1 of 6 (15 % ) 5 or less.

To the question " How often do you deep commitment in relationships that matter most ? " produced an average score of 7.36 out of 10. 15% of people has given 10 out of 10.

L ' "acceptance" has been identified as a habit that people tend to practice less , resulting in the lowest average score of 5000 respondents .

Our bodies get used to regular physical activity is another habit that creates happiness. However, the investigation has revealed that this is another habit that is often overlooked . The question " How often do you spend time - at least half an hour a day - to be active ? " Has produced an average response of 5.88 out of 10, with 45% of the people who has given 5 or less.


Action for Happiness and Do Something Different have created a new program of incentives to happiness, based on three positive actions that people can take to increase their levels of self-acceptance , namely: 1. Be more gentle with yourself and with others. View their mistakes as opportunities to learn . Notice the things that you can do well, even if small and unimportant . 2 . Ask a friend or a trusted colleague to tell us what are our strengths and what we appreciate . 3 . Spend some ' quiet time alone. Tune in to how you feel inside and try to be at peace with themselves.

Source: Worldhealth

Supplements for Mental Wellness