See all supplements antioxidants


Decide whether and which supplements to take, is not an easy task.

In fact there are different classes of supplements:

  - Of vitamins and / or minerals

  - Amino acid

  - Amino acid derivatives

  - Protein and / or energy

  - The fatty acids

  - Of probiotics

  - Prebiotics

  - Fiber

  - Consisting of ingredients from plants or derivatives

  - Adjuvants of diets for the control and reduction of the weight

Antioxidant supplements, mainly consisting of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, are by far the most powerful anti-aging. The free radical theory is in fact the most plausible explanation of 'human aging.

Supplementation with antioxidant supplements slows aging and reduces the incidence of disease, why should certainly be part of a healthy diet anti-aging.

There is no doubt that antioxidant supplements provide benefits to health, but to decide the right combination of them, it is strongly recommended medical advice.

The three most important antioxidants for their properties are vitamins E and C and lipoic acid.

1) The vitamin E is the most significant of the chain-breaking antioxidants in the blood umano. The vitamin E increases the immune response and resistance to infection. It also exerts anti-cancer effects and protects against toxic chemicals (mercury, lead, ozone). A proper anti aging diet should provide about 300 IU of vitamin E.

2) The vitamin C, the primary antioxidant soluble in water obtained from food, is essential for many body functions such as metabolism of the brain, the synthesis of carnitine and the manufacture of the connective tissue. Vitamin C is an effective eliminator of free radicals and protects against LDL cholesterol, but in some cases may act as a pro-oxidant, a function that is counteracted by vitamin E. It 's very important, therefore, that these two vitamins are integrated between loro.La Vitamin C has proved beneficial in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and immune enhancement. Approximately 500 mg of the substance should be taken daily during a meal.

3) The third is the important antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid, which is both hydro that lipo-soluble. It plays a role in glucose metabolism, reduces oxidative stress and has been shown to counteract the age-related degeneration in mitochondrial function. We recommend a dose of 120 mg per day.

In addition:
The coenzyme Q-10, acts as a vitamin, that is, plays a critical role in the respiratory chain for the supply of energy, and also has antioxidant properties.

Food supplements anti-aging, are perhaps the only types of supplements for which you can not see the short-term efficacy. The results taken from the assumption of these products are only visible after a few years of use.
The anti-aging products work, but the effects are visible outwardly noticeable only after several years, after which you realize the difference by making a comparison between those who use anti-aging supplements and those who do not use them.

However, the biological effect occurs from the beginning of treatment: it can detect the gradual reduction of superoxide in blood and tissues, incontrovertible sign of the effectiveness of dietary supplements used to fight aging.
In those who use food supplements anti-aging, time seems to pass more slowly: their tissues have a more youthful appearance, the skin is fresh, supple and with fewer wrinkles, more body hair and shiny nails more resistant and with a lighter, more firm and toned muscles and how to move more energetic.
Just because the visible effects can be seen after several years, those who are the beneficiaries tend to visual habituation, not realizing these benefits, but making a comparison with the average person, at the same age, the difference is obvious: a forty-five who has had a decade of anti-aging treatment with specific supplements will lower biological age of the registry and will appear to the eye - and not only - younger than 6-7 years.

Anti-aging is not just about appearance, regular use of natural dietary supplements anti-aging specific channels allow them to act on all fabrics in general, so that even inside the body draws benefits: the various internal organs and apparatuses benefit to action antinvec aging and the effects are reflected in a greater sal ute which lasts for more time compared to a normal situation. In this case supplements anti-aging then also assume a valence preventive and Healthy.

Last generation of antioxidant supplements are produced from the best pharmaceutical companies. These supple or a proper diet, based on the consumption of foods containing antioxidants.

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