Supplements of Vitamin C

Supplements to strengthen / stimulate the immune system


Those who suffer from frequent colds, often those who contracted the flu, maybe several times during a season, it is not prepared or unlucky, as is often erroneously believed.

Its getting sick is the result of a lifestyle that is not suitable for maintaining good health and that favors instead the attack by the virus. His immune system, in particular, is not sufficiently able to counter the attack by the virus. How to fix it? Strengthening the immune system!

The influence is due to infection by pathogenic microorganisms: the "influenza virus types A and B", belonging to the family of Orthomixovirus. The cold instead is commonly triggered by rhinovirus.

Viruses are pathogens Details: today scholars have not yet agreed to catalog the virus in the living realm rather than in the non-living. This dispute arises from the fact that the virus, although possessing a genetic (prerogative of living organisms), are not able to replicate autonomously because not equipped with the necessary biochemical structures and are forced, therefore, to penetrate inside cells of organisms living to exploit its biological function and survive. Due to this feature are defined as "intracellular parasites obliged."

The virus is present as biological structures not visible to the naked eye, about one hundred vote smaller than a cell, characterized by the presence within DNA or RNA, coated by a capsid protein and membrane proteins that constitute the viral antigens: thanks to the presence of the latter the virus can penetrate the cell and infect it.

These membrane proteins are divided into two types: the haemaglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). The former have function to bind to the receptors of host cells allowing the entry of the virus into the body and the beginning of replication. The neuraminidase instead are responsible for the second phase of the infection, indeed their function is to promote the dissemination of the virus to other cells.

Because of the characteristic of being "forced intracellular parasites", viruses are in contact with the genetic material of cells attached: this leads to "genetic instability", with frequent development of viruses with altered genetic makeup than their predecessors. In virtue of these mutations, the virus is able to "go unnoticed" and evade the immune system response. Over the virus is invisible to the immune system, is the most virulent.
The possibility of contracting colds and flu (or other viral diseases) increases as the body's immune defenses are inefficient which occurs when the immune system itself is in disequilibrium. The balance of the defense system (immune system) is of paramount importance in preventing and combating microbial aggressions.

This balance is particularly at risk as it leads a lavish life style: smoking, alcohol, stress, improper diet, high in sugar, saturated fats, dairy products and low in vital foods rich in fiber and vitamins; abuse of drugs (especially antibiotics) weakens the immune system and facilitates the attack of pathogens.

So what are the solutions to strengthen the immune system and prevent flu and colds frequently? 

Lead a healthy lifestyle, namely:

eat properly (in particular, with plenty of fruit and vegetables in season) 

drink plenty of water 

physical activity 

avoid stress agents (smoking, stress, pollution, UV rays ...) 

resorting to integration:

Supplements of Vitamin C

Supplements to strengthen / stimulate the immune system