Cream for oily and acne

Supplements for skin

Face creams


Acne is a skin disease characterized by inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous gland attached. The parties most affected by acne are the face, shoulders, back and chest.

The most common features are increased in acne skin oiliness (seborrhea), the presence of blacks points (comedones), inflamed pimples (papules) or filled with pus (pustules).

Appears in 50-60% of cases, mainly in adolescence. From an epidemiological point of view is a rather common disease: represents 4-8% of all dermatoses. Acne can occur in mild forms, but also very serious, giving rise to abscesses and cysts that may leave permanent scars.


There have been numerous studies to understand the causes of acne. Different aspects (genetic factors, intestinal bacteria, etc.). Contribute to this cause inflammatory dermatosis, but what seems crucial is the endocrine changes: it seems to be caused by an increase in androgens than estrogen, a hormone that stimulates the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands.

According to some studies, psychological factors may induce or aggravate acne.Adolescent emotional stimuli alter the balance of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal cortex and hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis with the release of active hormones that stimulate the sebaceous gland. The cellular and humoral immunity, both involved in the pathogenesis of acne, seem affected by exposure to various stressors.


Acne should be treated by applying to a dermatologist. And 'the doctor determine the best treatment to the patient depending on the type of acne found, choosing among principals for outdoor use (creams, lotions, emulsions, gels), medications and treatments (peels, laser ...)

Remedies DIY and home solutions are to be avoided in order to worsen the situation existing inflammatory.

In the treatment of acne it is important to follow some guidelines and hygiene behavior:

The blackheads should never be crushed. The mechanical action of crushing of comedo, in an attempt to delete it, may result in the breakage of the hair follicle, with the risk of triggering the inflammatory process and transform the blackhead in papule or pustule, and can induce the formation of scars.

The sun can be a factor in exacerbation of acne for its inflammatory effects.
In case of exposure to the sun the skin should be protected with adequate sunscreen.

For girls or women with acne: cosmetics must be chosen carefully considering the substances as they may cause further inflammation. In this case, it is a good idea to follow the advice of your dermatologist

No food is responsible for acne. But some foods can aggravate, infiammandole, pre-existing injuries. Limit junk food, fried foods, cured meats, sausages and sweets helps to avoid inflammatory and dangerous weight gain that may be due to hormonal imbalance, involved in the pathogenesis of acne. As always, take on healthy eating habits is the best choice.

Cream for oily and acne

Supplements for skin

Creams for the eye area

Face creams