Supplements for Weight Control


It is estimated that about one third of all cancers can be attributed to excess body fat - including tumors: gastrointestinal tract, reproductive organs, urinary tract, blood, bone and thyroid.

Nour Makarem, New York University (New York, USA), and colleagues analyzed data collected on medical and dietary 2,983 men and women enrolled in the Framingham Heart Study. "Our research aims to clarify the associations between diet and physical activity in relation to cancer to encourage those at risk to make changes in lifestyle that can reduce the risk of some cancers," said Nour Makarem.

In 1997, the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research have released guidelines for cancer prevention, emphasizing the importance of: weight management, nutrition and physical activity. These guidelines, updated in 2007, provide an integrated approach to establish healthy habits that reduce the incidence of cancer.

In their study, Makarem and colleagues sought to determine whether healthy behaviors, according to the guidelines for the prevention of cancer are associated with a reduced risk for cancers related to obesity and the most common cancers (breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers).
To determine the relationship between the recommendations for the prevention of cancer and the incidence of cancer, the researchers created a score of seven points on the basis of the recommendations for body fat, physical activity, foods that promote weight gain, food plant, animal foods, alcohol consumption, food preparation and processing.

The team observed that two different measures have emerged as strong predictors of cancer risk. In particular, adherence to the recommendation to limit alcohol - two drinks per day for men and one for women - has proved to be protective against cancer and against obesity-related cancers in the breast, prostate and colorectal.

Moreover, the recommendation to consume copious amounts of non-starchy vegetables and fruit was associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer, besides protective against cancers related to obesity.

The study authors conclude that "the reduced consumption of alcohol and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, in line with the guidelines for the prevention of cancer, have been associated with a reduced risk of obesity-related cancers and specific cancers "

Source: Worldhealth


Supplements for Weight Control