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Argentine tango may have potential benefits for people suffering from physical disabilities, according to results of a new study by researchers at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, The Neuro, McGill University and the Research Institute of McGill University Health Centre University. The study examined changes in motor skills of patients following a 12-week course of tango, and is also the first study to evaluate the effect that the tango has on non-motor symptoms.

The study examined whether social and physical activities related to music, such as tango, may have therapeutic value for patients who suffer from physical disabilities - tremors, stiffness, dysfunction in gait - as well as having non-motor symptoms - depression, fatigue and cognitive degeneration. Forty men and women with idiopathic Parkinson's disease participated in the study, which has seen two teachers involved in professional dance.

"There is evidence to show that regular physical activity is associated with a lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease," says Dr. Silvia Rios Romenets, lead researcher of the study, with a particular interest in the disease and therapy. "During the study we noticed that the tango was useful to significantly improve balance and functional mobility. We also found modest benefits in terms of cognitive function and fatigue reduction of patients."

Argentine tango can be particularly useful to improve balance and functional mobility in patients with motor disabilities and at risk of Parkinson's disease. In addition, the tango requires the memory of the control of attention, and be multitasking to incorporate newly learned concepts and elements previously learned, to go in rhythm with the music, and conduct other people on the dance floor.

There is a connection between the music and the dopamine systems in the brain that are crucial to establishing and maintaining behavior. So, join the music with the exercise of the dance, as is the tango, can increase the motility, balance, motivation, as well as improve mood and stimulate cognition. Also, social interaction and social support created from participating in tango lessons have positive results on the mood.

Source: Worldhealth

Supplements for exercising individuals