Supplements to promote weight control

Supplements to promote muscle mass

Supplements for those who perform physical activity

The muscle loss due to aging , calculated to be about 1 to 2% per year after age 50 , can be solved through better nutrition .

A cup of tea and some cookies as an afternoon snack are definitely a nice break , but it may not provide adequate nutrition for people more advanced in years .
A recent study from Tufts suggests that a glass of milk or a boiled egg supply nutrients to the person best suited to cope with the loss of muscle mass.

"It is estimated that 20 % of people between the ages of 51 and 70 have an inadequate protein intake ," said Paul Jacques , director of the nutrition program at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging.

Jacques and his colleagues reported in the British Journal of Nutrition that physical activity ( working out with weights or aerobic exercise), plus the assumption of sufficient protein can stop and even reverse the muscle loss normally associated with aging.

Another research conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture shows that consumption of 90 grams of high quality protein per day helps to strengthen the muscles at any age . And this becomes increasingly important when the body begins the phase of decline due to aging. Experts say that it is better to stimulate the consumption of protein throughout the day , so that your muscles have a constant supply of amino acids from which to draw. 

Source: Worldhealth


Supplements to promote weight control

Supplements to promote muscle mass

Supplements for those who perform physical activity