Supplements for Cardiovascular System

One of the most common risk factors for stroke and an accelerator of many forms of heart disease, especially if combined with excess body weight, is hypertension: one of the major health problems worldwide.

Lynn Moore, of Boston University School of Medicine (Massachusetts, USA) and colleagues report that a diet rich in protein can help lower high blood pressure. The researchers analyzed protein intake by healthy participants belonging to the Framingham Offspring Study and followed them for a period of 11 years.

The data revealed that adults who consumed more proteins, whether they are of animal or vegetable origin, had a statistically significantly lower systolic blood pressure and lower levels of diastolic blood pressure.

In general, these beneficial effects were evident for both individuals and for overweight people with normal weight. When the diet provided, as well as more protein, even higher intakes of fiber, there was 40-60% reduction in risk.The authors of the study conclude that "the intake of protein in larger quantities has been associated with a lower systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. Adults who consume more dietary protein sources from both plants and animals have lower risks of long term hypertension "

Source: Worldhealth

Supplements for Cardiovascular System