Supplements for Weight Control

Supplements for Promoting Metabolism

The INRAN, National Institute of Research on Food and Nutrition, is a public research body under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. Called the National Nutrition Institute (INN) until 1999, INRAN is the only Italian institution whose research, training and dissemination activities are directed to the study of foods and their role in maintaining health and preventing the risk of food-related diseases.


Among the publications INRAN are of particular importance:

"Guidelines for a Healthy Italian Food", which represent the institutional guidelines for a balanced diet in accordance with the principles of the Mediterranean diet and our tradition tailored to the needs of modern life.

In particular, even within this publication, we find as repeatedly stressed in our articles: the importance of antioxidants that counteract the effects of free radicals. Substances that can be taken through a proper diet, and, if this is not sufficient, by taking supplements.

Guidelines INRAN, p.22-p.24:

"The beneficial effects of the consumption of fruit, vegetables and legumes also depend on the fact that some of their components have a protective action, primarily of an antioxidant, which is expressed by counteracting the action of free radicals, which are capable of altering the structure of cell membranes and the genetic material (DNA), opening the way to processes of premature aging and a whole series of reactions which are at the origin of several types of cancer. This protective action, in addition to the components already mentioned (vitamins and minerals), is also performed by other components, which, though present in relatively small quantities, are also very active from the biological point of view through a variety of mechanisms: the principal of these is precisely what antioxidant. "


The research carried out by INRAN are directed to the understanding of the consequences of food through the study of the interactions between diet and nutritional status, in order to identify the components of food and the body's physiological mechanisms that contribute to the maintenance of health . Among the numerous studies carried out by the institute, in particular, we have chosen to focus our attention to those performed by Dr. Serafini. In fact, he proposes, through a research group, to unravel the mechanisms of defense against exogenous oxidative stress and inflammatory and identify natural ingredients and functional foods to be used as a natural source of bioactive molecules in order to optimize nutritional strategies of prevention degenerative diseases.

Supplements for Weight Control

Supplements for Promoting Metabolism