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Diets rich in fried foods and sweets, processed grains, red meats and dairy products are high in fat reduces the likelihood of a person to reach old age in good health and with more functionality. 

Often , the power of the Western countries is linked to disease and premature death

Tasnime Akbaraly , INSERM ( France) , and colleagues examined whether diet , in middle age , is able to predict the future aging and disease . The team used the AHEI Index , an index of diet quality , originally designed to provide dietary guidelines with the specific intention of fighting the major chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The researchers evaluated data compiled by the British Whitehall II study involving 5,350 adults ( average age 51.3 years ) and found that a high adhesion all'AHEI can double the chances of reversing the metabolic syndrome, a condition known to be a strong predictor of heart disease and mortality. On the contrary, the team determined that participants with low adherence to AHEI increase their risk of cardiovascular death or not. Those who followed a diet rich in fried foods, sweets, processed foods , red meat, refined grains , dairy products high in fat, they lowered their chances of an aging ideal . The authors of the study conclude that: " The present study offers a new perspective on the impact of diet on aging phenotypes , able to influence cardiovascular function, metabolic, musculoskeletal , respiratory, mental and cognitive "

On the contrary , a healthy diet promotes healthy aging . Cecilia Samieri , INSERM ( France) and colleagues studied data involving 10,670 women , mean age 59 years at the beginning of the study, stated at the Nurses Health Study . The researchers followed more than 15 years, the eating habits and health status ( major chronic diseases , physical disability , mental or cognitive ) . The team found that 11% of the women were healthy with normal aging . It is women who habitually consume a Mediterranean diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, low salt content. The authors of the study conclude that: "The quality of the diet in middle age appears to be strongly linked with greater health and improved well-being in old age "

Watch the 10 superfoods Anti-Aging ! 

Source: Worldhealth

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