Antioxidant Supplements

Supplements Vitamins

"Food", food, rhymes with "mood" mood.

Nutritionists and psychiatrists have long argued that nutrition plays a decisive role in the well-being not only of our bodies, but also our psyche. The Observatory Aiipa (Italian Association of Food Product Industries - Area Nutritional Supplements) - in collaboration with Giovanni Scapagnini, clinical biochemist at the University of Molise - talking about the "diet of happiness'', ie a diet that promotes good mood and well-being of Pische, says that a key responsibility of the antioxidants, precious substances found in fruits and vegetables.

"So far - says Scapagnini - scientific studies on the basis of this theory have focused on the ability of certain foods to modulate the release and the synthesis of neurotransmitters responsible for mood, such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. In the last Congress of the European Society of Neuropsychopharmacology, which has just ended in Paris, was highlighted another possible avenue of influence of food on the psychic sphere: the addition of antioxidants and their role on mental wellbeing. During the Congress, Michael Maes - one of the first scientists to demonstrate a strong causal link between oxidative stress in the brain and depression - has presented a number of clinical data regarding the effect of antioxidants on nutritional disorders. "

"In recent months - continues Scapagnini - were also published scientific studies that demonstrate the ability of antioxidant vitamins, such as vitamin C and vitamin E to reduce depressive symptoms. Several plant polyphenols, such as curcumin and tea catechins have shown the ability to reduce behavioral disturbances, action due to the antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory properties of these compounds. A couple of years ago - adds Scapagnini - the study Spanish 'Sun', conducted by the University of Navarra, has shown that the Mediterranean diet and proper intake of nutrients with antioxidant plays a beneficial role against the onset of depressive disorders in the healthy population. " "Another work, developed as part of the study 'InChianti', conducted in Tuscany with a population of about 1,000 elderly, recently reported that low dietary intake of carotenoids is associated with an increased risk of depression. From all this research - concludes Scapagnini - emerges that a 'diet of happiness' should definitely include adequate intake of substances capable of reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain, and therefore, in the first place, sufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables ".

Source: Reuters Health

Antioxidant supplements to counteract oxidative stress

Supplements Vitamins