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Probably we hear about more and more often about the Açaì Red berries (pronounced assaì). Know it better and find out what are its properties.
The Acai (Euterpe oleracea) is a palm tree that grows in the Amazon. It 's called by the natives under the name of ica-cai, which means "fruit that cries". The fruit is a purple berry.
The Acai was "discovered" recently when the ethno-botanical research has found to be one of the most nutritious fruits of the Amazon forest. Since then, the Acai has gone from being a secret of the Amazon to be the staple diet of the top teams athletic Brazil and around the world.
From the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Florida (USA), the Acai is recognized as an interesting food for use in nutraceuticals thanks to the many functional properties that it possesses.

The natives traditionally used to treat digestive disorders and skin diseases.


The Acai berry comes from a palm that has a long trunk and up to 25 mt of height with a group of branches at the top from which hang leaves in the form of tape. Acai berries hang from these branches. Traditionally the acai berries are harvested by hand: the tribesmen climb the tree and cut the branches at the top of the plant. After the recent discoveries related to the number of properties dell'açaì, his collection has grown exponentially. But the natural dell'acai remain active only for 24 hours after collection: acai berries must therefore be loaded in baskets and transported immediately after their harvest, during the night, so that the markets in Belem products have the next morning. Each acai palm tree produces about 20 kg of fruit per year and the juice produced by this fruit has become the most economically important product after the wood. Belem, Brazil, employs more than 30,000 people in the production, collection and sale dell'açaì.

For every 100 g of the fruit pulp contains: 8.1 g of protein; 52.2 of carbohydrates (including 44.2 g of fiber) and 32.5 g of fat also 260 mg of calcium, 4.4 mg of iron, 1002 U of Vitamin A and small amounts of vitamin C, aspartic acid and glutamic acid and also 319 mg of anthocyanin and other antioxidants.


A high concentration of antioxidants that fight premature aging, with a value approximately equal to 30 times the antioxidant properties of red wine. A rare synergy between omega and phytosterols, to kill monounsaturated cholesterol, making a radical protection of the heart and a potential anti-carcinogemico. A complete complex of vitamins, amino acids and with a significant presence of minerals, vital properties to regenerate the body and muscles. The Acai is an incredible resource of anthocyanins (purple plant pigment with powerful antioxidant properties). Anthocyanins are a group of phytochemicals found in red wine. The Acai contains 33 times the anthocyanins found in red wine and three times that of blueberries! From an analysis ORAC (oxygen absorption capacity radical), it appears that the primary anthocyanin contained nell'açaì is cyanidin-3-glucosica. The latter is considered to be 3.5 times stronger than the predominant anthocyanin found in red wine (malavadina-3-glucosica) The ratio of fatty acids dell'açaì reported that olive oil, which has long been considered the reason for the low incidence of cardiovascular disease in the Mediterranean population.

The predominance of monounsaturated fat, oleic acid (omega-9) lowers the LDL (harmful cholesterol or bad cholesterol). The presence of essence of fatty acids, linoleic acid (omega-6) helps to maintain healthy cell membranes. The fatty acids help the transport and absorption of fat-slubili vitamins: A, E, D and K

The Acai is rich in valuable sterols: Sterols are components of plant cell membranes, leading many benefits to the human body, reducing cholesterol in blood plasma. The sterols affect the metabolism of prostaglanine, biologically active component found in the body, which reduces pain and inflammation. The sterols are used today for the treatment of symptoms associated with BPH (benign prostate hyperplasia = benign prostate hyperplasia)

Preliminary evidence shows that beta-phytosterols (predominant nell'açaì) immunity may lead to weakness resulting from severe physical stress. Work with the immune system, help fight diabetes, relieve arthritic pain, arteriosclerosis, inflammation and reduce the chances of heart attacks.

The Acai proved to be a valuable substance for weight control: also contains essential amino acids, which help to increase the metabolism and thus burn more excess fat quickly. The Acai also contains phytosterols that help the body to eliminate excess fat. It also reduces the feeling of hunger.

The Acai acts with beneficial effects on:
The Heart and Cardiovascular System
  The Digestive System
  Metabolism and Weight Control
  The Immune System
The Acai has proved also effective for:

Improve skin tone
Healthy eyes: in particular, improve night vision
Increase energy and vitality
Improve concentration

It can therefore be seen as a valuable antioxidant, to be taken for the prevention of aging.


A recent study conducted by the University of Florida has investigated the effect of the Acai berry into a cancer cell. The study was published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, and shows how the extracts of acai berries may trigger self-destruction response up to 86% of cancer cells. This study represents an important step for cancer research.


Frederick C. Hatfield Ph.D., President of the International Sports Sciences & Head of sports psychologists and nutritionists, says: "The Amazon rainforest is enormous. Hides deep secrets hidden within it that only now discovering. What is more present the collective is to find out one day, one of the thousands that exist contain miraculous powers - such as medicine or nourishment - of immense importance to man. "

For several years, scientists have been studying the Amazon rainforest for its phytochemical and fruit. One of the fruits that the indigenous population has assumed for centuries is the Euterpe Oleracea, or more simply: Açaì. The berries of this palm species contain exceptional concentrations of protein, essential fatty acids, fiber, vitamins and minerals in addition to some really strong phytochemicals.

"You already know the importance of protein and vitamins, especially if you are sensitive to health and sports training. Course there are many other bonuses with the Acai. Acai is rich in oleic acid monoinstauri, which we know to have beneficial effects in fight cancer, prevent arteriosclerosis, increasing the lipo-protein metabolism and speed up system integrity immunitario.L 'high level of alpha-tocopherol and anthocyanins are dell'açaì an incredible antioxidant. The trace elements are also significant manganese, copper, boronio and Cormio, all vital for good health. The amazing energizing nutrient density ago dell'açaì an unparalleled fruit juice or energy drink on the planet. Moreover, it has a very pleasant taste. "


Using an old recipe Brazilian Açai is fortified with guarana syrup. Guarana is a nut revitalizing used by warring tribes for centuries. The seed was pulverized and consumed before going into battle. Today the guarana is estimated worldwide for its ability to make strength and concentration.

The mixture Açaì with guarana foster:

Supply of energy and strength
High sense of awareness / concentration
A massive injection of vitality
Fights free radicals by slowing down the aging of cells
The simple and efficient preservation of the Amazon rainforest


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