
Iron Complex  

The iron is a micro-nutrient important, because it enters the cycle of formation of red blood cells.
A common mistake is to associate the iron anemia, blood disorder characterized by a shortage of red blood cells or hemoglobin or both. There are in fact many forms of anemia and therefore many causes. Many anemia not due to iron deficiency: those that are are known as sideropeniche.

The body is able to absorb from 10 to 15% of the iron taken with the power supply; this percentage varies precisely depending on the type of food and the mode of recruitment.
If is of vegetable origin only 2-10% is absorbed, while if it is of animal origin the absorption can be up to 35%; this because the iron hemoglobin is absorbed much more easily, especially if it is taken simultaneously with vitamin C.

Foods rich in iron include red meat, egg yolk, whole grain bread, fish, vegetables, pulses and fruit.

The majority of individuals does not need an iron supplement, being sufficient intake of foods that contain it. However, in certain situations, take iron supplements can be a great help to avoid deficiencies and the possibility that these evolve to iron deficiency anemia.

The iron deficiencies are more common in cases of:


-Heavy menstruation (menorrhagia);

-Reduced iron absorption (intestinal steatorrhea, chronic diarrhea, hypochlorhydria, gastrectomy, use of antacids), celiac disease;

-Strict vegetarian diet, or abuse of dietary fiber, such as bran;

-intensive exercise: at risk are especially athletes engaged in basic disciplines;

-Bleeding of various kinds (nosebleeds, hemorrhoids, ulcers, wounds, intestinal worms hooked, pinworms, abuse of anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin or anticoagulants, hiatal hernia, diverticulitis, various types of cancers, pneumonia or bronchopneumonia with hemoptysis ( issue of blood with cough), kidney stones, tumors or inflammation in the kidney or urinary tract, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis etc.).

-Pregnancy and lactation.

Iron supplements that you need when you make the dietary intake of the mineral is reduced, when it decreases the body's ability to absorb, or when increased losses. You should consult your doctor.

The most common supplements contain tablets made from ferrous organic salts (sulfate, succinate, fumarate, gluconate or lactate), preferably to be taken on an empty stomach to facilitate their absorption

But in case of gastric intolerance may be held in conjunction with the meal. Among the side effects of iron supplements include several other disorders of gastrointestinal, such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and black color of the stool.

Treatment usually begins with a low dosage and increase gradually in order to avoid these side effects, and has a relatively long duration. Specifically, it must last for three to four months after reaching the normal level of hemoglobin, so as to saturate the stocks of the organism and prevent relapse.


Iron Complex