Supplements of Garcinia mangostana

The mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.)
is a tropical evergreen tree native to the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas Archipelago.

The mangosteen tree grows usually up to a maximum height of between 7 and 25 meters, and has a bark is dark brown.

The fruit is round in shape, with a diameter of about 5-7 cm when it is unripe mangosteen has a light green color, while the skin takes on a deep purple color when mature.

The flesh of the mangosteen is composed of 4-8 cloves fragrant, milky white, sweet taste, similar to that of peach and litchi.

To enjoy the mangosteen is etched with a knife around the circumference and divide the fruit in half, then extracting the cloves content.

Numerous scientific studies have been conducted to evaluate the properties of Garcinia mangostana organism.

Recent scientific studies indicate that the mangosteen is a fruit full of nutrients and antioxidants. Among its valuable ingredients are, in the pericarp, xanthones, molecules that are part of the flavonoid family. Xanthones are powerful anti-aging substances and effective inhibitors of inflammatory processes. Currently there are 200 xanthones identified in nature, the mangosteen is a fruit with the highest number of xanthones, it contains 43 different types, indicating a very high antioxidant activity and protection against free radicals.

Supplements of Garcinia mangostana

Antioxidant power of Garcina Mangostana

Bibliography: The medicinal properties of Garcinia mangostana