See all supplements antioxidants

The intake of antioxidant supplements to counteract the damaging effects of free radicals and prevent aging, it must follow precise rules, to be effective:

1. must be combined with a healthy lifestyle, made of proper nutrition, sport and elimination of harmful practices (smoking, drugs, alcohol, stressful pace ...)
2. must be carried out continuously:

cycles of intake ranging from an intake continuously without interruption, at intakes spaced, composed of cycles from 3 to 6 months, followed by a withdrawal period of 1 month *.

Just so you can have benefits!

The intake of antioxidant supplements for a short period and the subsequent abandonment, has no utility.

It 's like working out in the race for a week and do nothing for the next 3 months. The body is not able to retain the beneficial effects of the workout, if not executed regularly. How to practice a diet for one month and eat without rules over the next 11 months. At the end of the scale certainly will not be lenient.

For antioxidant supplements, constancy and regularity in taking produce positive results

* the duration of the cycles is indicated with precision for each product.

See all supplements antioxidants.