Omega 3 supplements

A large number of previous studies suggest that daily supplementation of omega 3 fatty acids may exert beneficial effects on operating parameters.

Evan Lewis JH, University of Toronto (Canada), and colleagues studied 30 male athletes, mean age 25, who have been training for an average of 17 hours per week. Each subject was randomly assigned to receive either a supplement of omega-3 (375 mg EPA, 230 mg DPA, 510 mg of DHA per day), or placebo, for three weeks. The team observed that supplements of omega 3 hano caused the 'significant increase in levels of EPA in the blood, increased thigh muscle function by 20%, and reduced fatigue.

The study authors say: "Our data indicate that supplementation with omega 3 fatty acids improves neuromuscular function and peripheral aspects of fatigue."

In a separate study, researchers at the Academy of Physical Education (Poland) studied 13 professional cyclists, each of which was randomly assigned to receive omega 3 supplements (1.3 g daily), or placebo, for three weeks. In the group that received supplementation of omega-3, the concentration of nitrogen oxide at baseline was boosted by 8 micromoles / L compared with placebo; and the flow-mediated dilatation - a measure of blood flow, and therefore of vascular health - was raised by 5.25%.

These authors state that: "These results suggest that an increase in nitric oxide is released in response to the intake of omega 3 fatty acid may play a central role in cardiovascular adaptive mechanisms and improve exercise performance of cyclists."

Source: Worldhealth

Omega 3 supplements