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Who knows how our "experts" continue to argue that the vitamins do not need or even that hurt?

It 'funny how this position is clearly at odds with the scientific literature and also with the opinion of the doctors most innovative and influential around the world. So why this retrograde attitude and unscientific? Why deny the evidence on vitamins and preventive and curative properties of many nutrients and herbal remedies instead and not close one eye but both eyes on side effects and ineffectiveness of many, too many drugs?

Mind you, the drugs are used and how. But not all, not so many, not so early in the evolution of a disease and not so little customized. On vitamins and other supplements known there has been a battle that's ridiculous: you build a desk study to demonstrate the ineffectiveness (guess who finances them?) And we forget the enormous number of studies that indicate the contrary a preventive role and even therapeutic. There are concerns of toxicity (rare and the result of incorrect treatment) and the deficiencies which are present in a huge number of individuals. Have even been talk of "lobby producers of vitamins" in the medical world raped every moment from the real lobby, the multinational drug. This is not the place to list all the research to support what I say.

Anyone who wants to know more can easily deepen. But I want to mention just one. In the June issue of the prestigious journal FASEB (The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology), Bruce Ames, professor emeritus at the University of Berkeley, and Joyce McCann published an article that has the authority to close forever debate about the therapeutic properties of vitamins and other nutrients. Ames public works for years on the role of vitamins in the complex biochemical machine body and also the danger of shortcomings small but long-lasting, such as those we are exposed to us modern men. Ames called the insufficient vitamin intake we are exposed to long latency deficiencies, or chronic deficiencies that do not cause a real avitaminosis as in scurvy or pellagra in but subvert cellular biochemistry, the ability to repair DNA and thus facilitate the onset of many chronic diseases that affect us. Commenting on this latest work of Ames, the director of The FASEB Journal, said: "

This study is expected to close any debate on the importance of taking a good multivitamin every day complete. " We'll see if our experts will read this study or if they continue to turn a blind eye.

Source: Dr Filippo Ongaro

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