Nutritional Supplements Antioxidants

From a scientific point of view the anti-aging medicine is based on research in the sciences of sport ello and even closer to forty years of space research carried out in Russia, USA and Europe. In orbit, in fact, without gravity to stimulate muscles and bones, no fresh air that helps the detoxification without light s ular to generate vitamin D, without work-life balance which contains the stress-free, fresh food that nourishes adequately 'body and no atmosphere to protect from radiation and oxidative stress, the human body ages at dramatic speed. An astronaut on a mission of 6 months lose the same amount of bone that is lost to the ground in the 10 years between 50 and 60 years! Thanks to the extensive research conducted in space and accelerated aging on countermeasures to slow it down, it was possible to develop intervention protocols very specific.

In particular, Dr Filippo Ongaro was for many years physician to the astronauts at the European Space Agency (ESA) where he developed advanced methods for the prevention of aging also adopted by NASA and the Russian Space Agency. After studying medicine and sports science, he was trained in Anti-aging Medicine in USA getting the only case in Italy, the certification by the American Board of Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM). It is currently Medical Director of Ismerian (Institute of Regenerative Medicine and Anti-Aging Ltd.) to Treviso and collaborates with research institutions including the Institute of Clinical Physiology in Pisa and the Institute for Biomedical Problems in Moscow. Dr. Ongaro is also the author of the book "The 10 Keys to the Health: from space research to anti-aging medicine."

Nutritional Supplements Antioxidants