Supplements to promote the welfare of hair

Supplements to counteract hair loss

Androgenetic alopecia or common baldness is a condition of lack, total or partial, of the hair. The extent of hair loss is measured by means of appropriate scale, the most notable are the Hamilton scale and the scale Norwood Baldness can affect men and women of all races, with different severity. E ', however, more common in Caucasians and in men

Male pattern baldness is the one we all know, that is a progressive thinning of the scalp that starts with the time zones, is in the opposite rear, until its merger with the thinning or bald summit. In others remain visible until the hair of the occipital and temporal areas.

The main mechanism of baldness is the miniaturization of the hair, the transformation of terminal hair in hair 'vellus': the hair becomes, that is, always shorter and thinner. This transformation depends more precisely the reduction of the bulb by inhibiting enzymatic reactions, which shorten the growth cycle of the hair itself. The bulb is the vital part of the hair, and the problem of baldness is a problem with the bulb.


Baldness is linked to the activity of 5alpha-reductase type II, which converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. The predominant cause of baldness is a greater pituitary activity that takes place in an ipersurrenalismo, or high levels of chronic catabolizzanti hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) and ACTH. These hormones exert a vasoconstrictor device and the scalp is peripheral, then baldness was due to atrophy of the capillaries that nourish the hair.

The difference between males and females was due to the fact that males secrete significantly higher quantities of testosterone, therefore secrete larger amounts of its hormone antagonists.

The hereditary factor is present in the contributory causes of baldness, endocrine, or in the activity, but in this case the hereditary factor is not completely due to genetics, but environment, to confirm this, the younger brothers are demonstrably more likely to go meeting to baldness compared to big brothers, this precisely because of environmental differences in education and family hierarchy, despite having the same genetic predisposition to surrenalismo.

Endocrinopathies such as GH deficiency, hypothyroidism, menopause, polycystic ovarian virilizing tumors or treatment with androgens may cause baldness.

The future is predictable pattern baldness at the age of 13-14 years, often preceded by dandruff, a clear symptom of suffering epidermal atrophy of blood vessels and therefore chronic malnutrition and the follicle epithelium.


There are skin care and treatment primarily aimed at slowing hair loss. If the psychological distress caused by the lack of hair is particularly serious is possible to resort to surgical solution, which consists in hair transplant.

Supplements to promote the welfare of hair

Supplements to counteract hair loss