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The diagnosis of the health through the signs of the face
was created in the past in various traditional medicines, first of all, the Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Through the signs of the face (redness, discoloration, furrows, acne, etc..), You can learn about the condition of each organ and internal function. Each sign, in fact, is manifested in specific areas of the face indicative of a well-determined area internal altered. This observation enables a rapid diagnostic screening, which may be followed by the choice of remedies, and the intervention on the corresponding internal organs. This is especially useful in children when the collection of symptoms and physical examination are very difficult.

The imbalances in our body are reflected on its surface so tenuous first then gradually more and more intense and painful points located through areas and at specific locations: appear as pimples, itching, dandruff, sweats, pustules, etc., being able to recognize and interpret these signals is the most useful, because it lets you know the state of our health and prevent disease or counter them in a timely fashion.

The Visology is an innovative therapeutic and diagnostic method, the result of a research started in the seventies, the facial signs indicative of a specific malfunction of one or more internal organs.

The signs of the face

The signs of the face can be divided into five categories: inflammatory, hypo-functional, degenerative, constitutional, traumatic.

  1. The inflammatory signs of redness consist of various types of skin, including pimples and acne; usually indicate acute or subacute inflammatory processes or the onset of an acute phase in a tissue with chronic problems.
  2. The signs are hypo-functional dark-toned, dark red to purple or brown and / or are tissue swelling; indicate processes, which by the subacute phase tend towards a chronic, that is, to the perpetuation of the disorder, albeit in attenuated form. The organ affected organs or fail to perform their duties at 100%. Often the inflammatory signs are mixed with those hypo-functional.
  3. The signs include degenerative in, when they increase rapidly in volume, changing their color and shape; fibroids skin, the change or the accentuation of wrinkles, which become deeper, deflect, branch, are interrupted; areas of depigmentation due to vitiligo and skin fungus, which occur at specific sites; recurrence of warts or warts in the same place; obvious and persistent swelling of specific areas of the face, sunken areas. All these signs indicate the reduction of the important functions of an organ and / or risk of carcinogenicity.
  4. The signs are constitutional signs such as congenital birthmarks or moles and indicate areas of weakness inherited from its ancestors. You can find an explanation for at least 75% of the constitutional signs, knowing the medical history of the parents and grandparents.
  5. The signs of trauma such as scars, keloids, bruising should be recognized as such and not confused with other signs.

Here is a map of the face with its correspondences to quickly interpret the signs of the various imbalances and the causes that determine them.


a) from the root of the nose at its base: the heart - pulmonary artery
b) from the eyebrows to the cheekbones: lungs
c) at the base of the cheekbone on the right: liver
d) at the base of the cheekbone to the left and below the nose stomach
e) to the left of the nostril: liver
f) to the right towards the base: gallbladder
g) on ​​both sides of the mouth: kidneys - ghiadole adrenal
h) from the right side of the chin and below the lower lip: the colon, rises to the level of the upper Arctic Skua and nose, then went back down to the left towards the tip of the chin: colon
k) midway between the base of the nose and the upper Arctic Skua: pancreas
i) from the upper part of the chin to the lower edge: uterus - ovaries
n) on the lower edge of the chin: bladder - rectum  

Zone Small Intestine:
it presents with a reddish coloration of the epidermis in that area and the temperature is higher, revealing more or less severe inflammation of the affected organ, which is usually accompanied by headache, impaired memory and concentration.

Bladder Zone
: Generally there is an accentuation of the red color of the epidermis at that point accompanied by possible flaking on the edge of the eyelashes and the hair root to the head with the possibility of hair loss, the subject will present frequent fatigue, and the sweating may have a slight odor of ammonia and the subject in general is difficult to deletions of liquids and finally to produce uric acid.

Heart Zone
: When there are problems with the heart and circulation, this area may turn pale or redden and is often accompanied gives whiteness around the eyes and sweating of the upper lip.

Liver Zone
: dry and peeling skin at that point that give way to irritated skin, between the eyebrows forming a depression that is very painful when pressed; around the areas of the temples are localized headache, with repercussions on the neck, the face has a tendency to produce dark pigmentation spots, and when you're young, the scalp and the face will be fat, then the skin will be very dry and dehydrated.

Reni area:
the whole area around the eyes reveals the state of the kidneys, the exaggerated expansion of the contour of the eyes reveals a fatigue failure, if the boundary part is gray and there is a tendency to calculations and fatigue; when there is sweating after exertion and swelling in that area must drain the body by restoring eliminatory functions.

Stomach area
: if it becomes congested the subject has slow digestion, possibility of gastritis, cramps, etc.., The scalp will be intoxicated with dandruff and itching, if your face tends to swell and become greyish means that the inflammation of the organ is high.

Zone Lungs:
it is represented by a large nose wrinkle parallel to the cheekbones, usually in that area appears acne or some infection that is almost always accompanied by adult on his shoulders.

Area Large Intestine / Colon:
When it swells and swells, there appears a wrinkle descendant that crosses the whole area. In his youth this part swells and can easily be hot; into adulthood and old age appears wrinkle.

Sexual and Hormonal Disorders Zone
: the mouth and the lips are around the area corresponding to the sexual pimples, inflammation, grayish color, abnormal sweating in the mouth below, show various inflammations of the genital tract.

A healthy lifestyle
is the cornerstone of prevention, and is based on: proper nutrition, practice of sports activity, proper breathing, elimination of stressors and pollutants.

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