Supplements immunostimulants

The 'cold sores
is mainly caused by herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and to a lesser extent by Herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2). It looks like an eruption consisting of numerous vesicles, followed by crusting, pain on pressure. During the clinical phase vesicles containing the live virus and there is therefore the possibility of transmission. Generally lies at the junction of the lip and in the surrounding skin. The average duration is one week. Is contracted through saliva, kissing or generally through interpersonal contact during the infective stage. Once herpes has infected the body remains latent until the time of occurrence.

The virus herpes sores can occur due to different triggers:

  • sudden changes in temperature
  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight and uncontrolled (both summer and winter)
  • attacks of fever, influenza and parainfluenza
  • wereprolonged periods of high stress
  • unhealthy diet
  • pregnant and sudden hormonal changes 

The disease is chronic and can not be cured permanently.

The best cure for herpes is to strengthen the immune system with a healthy diet, the practice of sport and the use of immunostimulants will boost the immune system and is less susceptible to infection.

The sport, in addition to other benefits, strengthens the defenses of our organism. For this to happen, you need to practice regularly 30-40 minutes of physical activity at least three times a week.

Proper nutrition, which can stimulate our immune system involves taking the right amount of vitamins and minerals. In particular, the power supply must meet the requirement of vitamin C, magnesium and iron. Also avoid alcohol and sugar favoring fresh fruits and vegetables.

By taking supplements immune (to be taken regularly in the annual cycles of 2/3 months) also becomes stronger our immune system and reduces the percentage of viruses and infections.

Once infected with herpes, the medication can alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but they can not do anything against the virus, which after infection remains in the body for life. The duration of the events can be reduced by antiviral drugs, anesthetics and creams (such as zinc oxide or zinc sulfate) promptly applied to the skin area concerned.

supplements immune