Products that promote increased levels of GH (growth hormone)

We hear a lot about, and often inappropriately.Let capiere better co'sè growth hormone, how it works and how to stimulate production.

Growth hormone or GH (growth hormone) is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, a gland located at the base of the brain. It is a simple protein consisting of 191 amino acids. Its production is induced by stimulation of growth hormone releasing factor or GHRF, a substance produced by the hypothalamus, one of the centers of the nervous system. The production of GH occurs primarily during the deep stages of sleep, however, has very various of the oscillations in the course of the day.

The stimulus for its production is fundamentally linked to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar presence of assets), but can be increased by exercise, from deep sleep, a protein diet, by iperpiretiche conditions (fever), a healthy and regular physical activity especially aerobic character, by the administration of precursors, called "secretagogues".

It is produced throughout the course of their lives, but after 30 years its levels begin to drop by about 15 percent every decade. This gradual decline in the production of GH by the pituitary gland adult is known by the term "somatopausa", in analogy with the "menopause".

Restore optimal levels has many advantages for the human body. When it is suggested to restore satisfactory levels of GH, you simply want to imply to bring these values ​​closer to those youth (30-35 years), but always remaining in the physiological range (minimum-maximum), characterizing the presence of this hormone in the human body.

Dr. Daniel Rudman first described the benefits of GH in slowing the aging adults. The study was published in 1990 in the New England Journal of Medicine showed how men and healthy aging, treated with GH for six months, were able to decrease body fat by 14.4%, to increase the muscle mass of ' 8.8 percent, increase skin thickness by 7.1 per cent and bone density of 1, 6 per cent.

Slowing the somatopausa would allow to the adult:

  • a regenerating effect on multiple organs: heart, kidneys, liver, etc. ...;
  • a strengthening of the immune system;
  • a better quality of sleep;
  • the reduction of overweight and cellulite:
  • about 15 percent body fat decrease by itself without the combination of a low-calorie diet strongly;
  • the reduction of wrinkles and an active prevention of the same with an optimization of hydration of the skin and a bone remineralization;
  • the increase in lean body mass:
  • 10 per cent of the muscle mass increase due to an implementation productive without the combination of any physical exercise;
  • greater physical energy and the maintenance or increase in sexual form;
  • an increase in psychic form: best memory performance, increased responsiveness to external stimuli, better reflexes;
  • a mild hypotensive (blood pressure lowering);  

In general it is recommended to promote the synthesis of endogenous GH (ie that produced by our own body) thanks to the contribution of molecules, primarily of an amino acid (arginine, lysine, glutamine, ornithine, glycine), whose action is favored by stimulating concomitant intake of some particular vitamins (B3, B6, B5, C), as well as of melatonin.This is a typical application of the so-called endofarmacologia: not administering the missing substance (eg a hormone), but its precursors, through which is the same body to produce what actually serves him.

Basic aim becomes to try to improve the state of mental and physical health of an individual, without causing side effects or unwanted. After all, aging slowly and well keeps maximum efficiency up to old age, enjoying a better quality of life.

Products that promote the physiological increase in the levels of GH (growth hormone)