Supplements against halitosis


The natural methods of prevention of diseases of the teeth 

1. Avoid processed foods and sugars

Processed foods and sugars break down into acids in our mouth. When the pH (acid levels) in our mouths fall, and decalcification begins to weaken tooth enamel. Once the tooth enamel becomes weak, it becomes very susceptible to tooth decay and periodontal disease.
Our mouth contains about 10 billion bacteria. There are more bacteria in your mouth than people on this planet! The good news is that you get to choose the type of bacteria that are present in our mouth we want based on what we eat. We want to have a high amount of bacteria that cause disease? Or do we want healthy bacteria to aid in digestion?

2. Proper Nutrition

So that bones and teeth are healthy, they need a lot of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins and minerals. When it comes to being in good health, we often take shortcuts. Often we replace a nutritious meal with a quick and easy meal, but unhealthy, causing loss of vital nutrients that make bones and teeth strong.

The problem with modern dentistry is that it does not emphasize enough the importance of proper nutrition. Dentists often overlook the fact that 50% of our teeth are composed of living matter, and that the bones and teeth often heal naturally.

3. Rinse your mouth regularly

A natural way to ensure the teeth stay strong is to wash them regularly. After eating sugar, just make sure to rinse your mouth with water. This eliminates the damage done to your tooth enamel. Another great way is to wipe your mouth with sugar-free chewing gum, particularly gum containing xylitol, which is a non-fermentable sugar. It removes bad bacteria from the mouth and helps to restore a normal pH in the mouth.


Supplements against halitosis