Supplements for swollen and heavy legs

With the arrival of warm people who suffer from venous insufficiency accuse hardships and problems: heaviness and swelling of the legs are the first symptom, the appearance of capillary, venous ectasia, and finally the formation of varicose veins are the result.

We can define venous insufficiency as the inability of the venous system to drain the liquid component from tissues and to transport it effectively to the central pump, the heart, which in turn conveys the blood to the lungs where it is enriched with oxygen, which then back to the heart to be distributed in the different parts of the body.

For the classical physiology it comes to small and large blood circulation in the mechanism of which come mainly organs as the lungs, heart and blood vessels.

When there is venous insufficiency venous system is flooded and overload, in the long run the capillaries and the veins then tend to expand and lose elasticity and tone and this usually occurs in the lower part of the body where precisely tends to stagnate more the component liquid precisely because of its weight.


Some useful tips in case of venous insufficiency:

Physical activity is a great way to do prevention. The activation of the muscles is the main engine to facilitate emptying the entire venous system and stimulate circulation. We can say that the fabric
muscle is the vera pump the veins. Sportsmen usually suffer from this disorder very rarely and usually patients with venous insufficiency have a muscle tissue hypotrophic and poorly represented. It is also known that physical activity stimulates and regulates hormonal activity. Beyond the individual constitution, education from an early age to a regular physical activity is definitely the first true prevention especially for women.

Very useful not get in the habit of crossing your legs while sitting and use socks or stockings with elastic as well as very soft to wear comfortable shoes and suitable especially in the case of prolonged standing.

Finally walking barefoot in the cold water of the sea or river, as taught by Dr Kneipp, is a true blessing but in the absence of these, we can resort to cold showers and friction with cold water, especially useful in the summer but feasible all year round if you are willing, preferably after a bath or a hot shower. It is believed that the body going from hot to cold produces a kind of vascular gym, giving vigor and tone to the smooth muscle of the vessel walls.


A great help for those suffering from venous insufficiency is also represented by CRIO B!