Supplements for skin

Creams for the eye area

Face creams

The skin is the largest organ of the human body, with a surface area of ​​1.5 / 2 m2, the weight of which represents approximately 10% of body weight (for a 60 kg person, the weight of the skin is about 6 kg). The thickness of the skin varies depending on the area of ​​the body, from a minimum of 0.5 mm (eyelids) to a maximum of 3-6 mm (palms and soles).

The skin is made up of four distinct layers:

1. stratum corneum
2. epidermis
3. dermis
4. hypodermis

The stratum corneum:

The stratum corneum is the outer and has the function of protecting the underlying epidermis viable cells, keratinocytes, and despite having a thickness of 0.01 mm is capable of performing important functions, the main of which is the Barrier Function. The state corneum is formed by lamellae and lipids.

The lamellae corneas contain within them the keratins which confer structural rigidity to the stratum corneum. All these proteins have numerous links for the water that bind or release depending on the conditions esterne.Un right ratio between protein and water contributes to the elasticity of lamellar system of the stratum corneum. An excess of water or a defect cause structural damage to proteins and therefore the integrity of the stratum corneum.

The interlamellar lipids are produced by keratinocytes as well as keratins, are located around the lamellae corneas occluding the interstices. Perform two important functions: to prevent or regulate the transitions between the spaces left free by the blades and to allow the movement of the slats themselves. A deficiency of lipids causes excessive permeability and an excessive flaking.

The epidermal barrier function (EBF)

The set of lamellae corneas and interlamellar lipids form a selective barrier that regulates mainly the passage of water through the epidermis and the absorption of topical products.Any damage FBE results in a greater loss of water.


Hydration is an essential function to maintain structural rigidity and flexibility to the stratum corneum and efficiency of the FBE. A state of impaired barrier function causes: increased water loss, dryness, peeling, itching ... The stratum corneum, dehydrated, becomes brittle, loses the characteristics of flexibility and buffer to chemical agents, the skin is rough and dry to the touch. And in some areas of the body is easier the appearance of wrinkles

There are many possible causes of dehydration:

  • decrease in the relative humidity of the environment;
  • increase in temperature and exposure to the sun;
  • action of chemicals;
  • diseases of the body;
  • not functioning of the physiological balance of the degree of humidity of the stratum corneum, which can be moved towards the dehydration or altered production of sebum;
  • overuse or inappropriate use of detergents or soaps that cause drying of the stratum corneum.

The use of moisturizers and emollients helps to prevent and reduce dehydration.

Avoid too frequent washing detergents ee is equally important.


It is located under the skin, supporting and nourishing and is home to glands and hair. The dermis is often about 2-3 mm. and consists of 2 parts: papillary and reticular: the first is constituted by the papillae and by the layer subpapillare and has a life metabolic very active due to its proximity to the epidermis, the second one can be considered essentially has support functions. Constituents of the dermis are collagen, which provides strength to the skin, elastin, which makes it elastic and the ground substance, formed from mucopolysaccharides which has functions of cementing. In the dermis contains blood vessels, nerve fibers and the skin appendages, ie, sweat glands, hair follicles, hair, sebaceous glands and the muscle of the hair. In the dermis there is a dense network of lymphatic vessels, which are directed towards the subcutaneous or hypodermis.


And 'the tissue that is located below the dermis, being predominantly fat. Has bearing function, and is of insulating a reserve of calories for the periods of fasting. The hypodermis is richly innervated and vascularized. The structure and development of the hypodermis dependent areas of the body, age, sex, nutrition and hormonal influences subjective. As we age there is a depletion of adipose tissue and this makes the skin loose and wrinkled.

Supplements for skin

Creams for the eye area

Face creams

How to choose a skin cream?