Supplements for Mental Wellness



Depression or depressive disorder is a mood disorder widespread among the population, which affects 15 out of 100 people. Depression can affect anyone at any age, but is most frequent between 25 and 44 years of age and is twice more common in female adolescents and adults. 


How to recognize depression? Clinical depression has a prolonged duration of time, and the sufferer will feel tired, irritable, fragile, beset by negative thoughts, try hard to interest and meaning in things. The subject feels free resources and energy to deal with situations and unable to get out of the downward spiral and often chooses isolation. May be frequent thoughts of death, which sometimes followed by suicide attempts. In addition to these symptoms, depressed can accuse a significant increase or decrease in appetite and therefore weight and sleep disturbances, difficulty to concentrate, maintain attention.

Often depression is associated with other disorders, both medical and psychological. A quarter of people who suffer from a serious disorder, such as diabetes, heart disease, HIV, bodily disability, terminal illness, get sick even depression, which can lead to a further worsening of the clinical picture.
If the symptoms of depression alternating with symptoms of excitement, it may be depressive episodes in bipolar disorder.
Who suffers from depression can easily suffer cyclically several times throughout their lives. Depressive disorder can be disabling and lead to inability to work or study, to maintain social and affective relationships.  


At the moment there is enough literature on the causes of the disorder. It is assumed that the causes of disease are varied, including two main causes have been identified: the biological factor, so some have a greater genetic predisposition to this disease, and the psychological factor, so our experiences (particularly those affecting children) may lead to increased vulnerability to disease. The trigger is often a stressful event hardly acceptable. This can be a negative event of loss (a death, the end of a relationship, loss of job, etc..) Or a positive event that is considered a loss (the birth of a son who "takes away freedom," the degree where you lose student status, etc..) or lack of positive events for which we have undertaken. 


Depression is usually treated through Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy (CBT) the person is helped to become aware of the vicious circles that maintain and exacerbate the disease and gradually get rid of it through the reactivation of the behavior and the acquisition of modes of thought and behavior more functional. The path to healing is sometimes accompanied by antidepressants or mood regulators. 

Supplements for Mental Wellness