All supplements and creams to fight cellulite and adiposity

The cause of cellulite is a degenerative process, out of the microcirculation of adipose clusters. Not by chance is called lipodystrophy, which means precisely alteration of fatty tissues.

A trigger the phenomenon, incidentally, is the hypertrophy of fat cells, adipocytes, which riempendosi more and more of lipid droplets, increase in volume.

In essence, the basis of cellulite, there are two phenomena:

- Little LIPOLYSIS (burning of fat)

- Too much LIPOGENESIS (fat biosynthesis)

How to intervene?

We suggest two ways:

- In maximizing the LIPOLYSIS, using products that ensure the LUL (Lipolysis Ultrastimolata Localized);

- By delaying more than you can lipogenesis, with preparations containing more than a specific inhibitor of the ACC, the enzyme that gives the accumulation of fats themselves.

If you do not do anything, the degenerative process progresses through three distinct stages:


Hypertrophy of adipocytes impairs the microcirculation, blocking the drainage of fluids. This creates water retention: the fluids oozing and stagnate in the intercellular spaces, causing swelling. The skin becomes less elastic, but if the skin is compressed, there are fingerprints. The situation, in fact, at this point is still reversible.


The phenomena are accentuated further. The fabric is poorly oxygenated. In liquids accumulate toxins. Occurs an inflammatory state, begins a process known as reactive fibrosis. In the connective tissue of the nodules are formed, the skin is hardened, often reddened. When compressed, it assumes the characteristic orange peel. At this point, the process begins to become irreversible.


The affected tissue hardens even more. Becomes cold to the touch and painful. The skin surface is very irregular, because of the sclerosis of the fibers, which determines macronodules truly relevant. The blood and lymph flow stagnates further, amplifying the damage. Sclerosis, irreversible, affects the 'whole fabric, causing what is called skin mattress.

Source: Alphrema

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All supplements and creams to fight cellulite and adiposity