Supplements Palma Nana

Supplements of green tea

Serenoa repens is a plant common in the U.S., in Southern Europe and North Africa. It 'a small palm tree with leaves made up of more than 20 segments (the English name is Saw Palmetto). It 'a plant considered safe with few and rare side effects. The most important chemical constituents are different sterols, fatty acids, carotenoids, essential oils and polysaccharides.

The extract of dwarf palm (Serenoa repens) is used in man to increase the testicular function and to eliminate the irritation in the mucous membranes, in particular those of the genito-urinary tract and prostate. First prostatic hypertrophy is a manifestation of aging which is accompanied by an accumulation of testosterone that, once arrived in the prostate, is converted to the more potent dihydrotestosterone, which stimulates the cells to multiply, from which the hypertrophy of the gland. Also in the development of the obstructive symptoms are recognizable two moments: a mechanical component linked to the growth of the prostatic mass and a dynamic component that involves the tone of the smooth muscle that lines prostate and urethra.

The prevalent symptoms are increased urinary frequency, nocturnal awakenings for urination with reduced force and caliber of urine, urinary retention.
The extract liposterolico (85-95% fatty acids and sterols) of the berries of Serenoa repens is used as adjuvant in the treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy stage I and II and the symptoms associated with it. In fact this extract liposterolico of dwarf palm has been shown to be able to prevent the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone and to inhibit its binding to receptor sites and nuclear, thereby increasing its metabolism and excretion. Hence the advantage of symptoms experienced by patients who use this product category, in addition to their intrinsic value prior to the first signs of the disease: reduction of nocturnal enuresis by more than 45% residual menzionale reduced by 42%, increase in urine flow by more than 50% early as one month from its use. No significant disturbance or side effect is reported in the literature.Data from a meta-analysis of the results of clinical trials conducted to assess the efficacy of Serenoa repens in the treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy show that there is a real improvement in urinary frequency and nocturia in patients taking it compared to the groups of patients treated with placebo. Scientific medical studies have also compared the Saw Palmetto extract with a drug, finasteride, used in conventional medicine to combat benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement of the prostate gland often age-related, which, exerting pressure on the bladder induces more frequent stimuli urine, especially at night). The research involved 1,098 men who had been diagnosed with this problem of prostatic hypertrophy, the researchers concluded that both treatments have ended up relieving symptoms in 75% of cases. But if on the one hand with finasteride compared to the benefit of the volume of the prostate also had a parallel reduction of desire and potency, this was not the case with Saw Palmetto, on the contrary, in parallel increased the libido in men who had hired. Consequently, the main points will be given dall'ipertrofia prostatic inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract andrological, until the resumption of correct and good libido. The dosage varies depending on the severity of symptoms.

Generally the standardized extract of Serenoa should be taken at a dose of 160 mg twice a day for 1-3 months. Serenoa repens is recorded in trade in pharmaceutical preparations and herbal preparations. "I have been shown several pharmacological activities that can be traced back to the complex mechanism of action of Serenoa repens: inhibition of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, antagonism of the receptor alpha-1-adrenergic receptor blockade intraprostatici for androgens (interferes with the binding of dihydrotestosterone with the cytosolic receptor) "(Joachim CALAPAI, John Polimeni, and Achilles P. Caputi). Moreover, in these cases it would be a perfect combination of Saw Palmetto and Green Tea, whose health benefits have been confirmed by several studies, with particular attention to the positive relationship between constant and habitual consumption of green tea and the prevention of cardiovascular disease and of certain cancers, including in particular the ones of the prostate. The substances that characterize the green tea belong to the category of polyphenols and more precisely it is catechins, suitable to discharge and neutralization of metabolic products radical implicated, either as a contributory factor, both as a result, in the cell and tissue injury which results from ' attack of oxygen free radicals. The association therefore of green tea to the other phytoderivates makes more complete these lines of specific supplements and increases the range of applications.

The extract of saw palmetto has also been used in women with disorders of the mammary gland and is believed in the literature that his continued employment would contribute to an increase in the volume of the breast. In this sense, the act also SBEs. Treatments that course should be followed for the medium-long so that they can actually see these specific benefits obtained.

Basically for the same reasons the Saw palmetto is recommended for combating hair loss, in analogy with what was done by finasteride, a drug recently also used for this purpose. Therefore also in this situation a combination of this type of products with those rich in substances with antioxidant (in addition to minerals and amino acids specific for the nutrition of the hair bulb and its protection from the insults of oxidative character) is particularly successful in actively combat hair loss in men of all ages and in women after the first few years of menopause, when it comes to manifesting the so-called androgenetic alopecia (ie, patchy hair loss in women due to hormonal changes in turn a result of the menopause ). Finally, thanks to its content of saponins spheroidal dwarf palm may be useful in cases of testicular atrophy and low libido, reinforcing the same fertility and actively opposing the dysfunctions of the reproductive system and be beneficial to regain good functionality Andrology.

Source: Dr. Damiano Galimberti, a specialist in Food Science, president of AMIA - Association of Italian Doctors Antiaging

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