Nutritional Supplements Antioxidants

The term "orthomolecular medicine" was coined in 1968 by the scientist Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize for chemistry and for peace) to indicate the maintenance of good health and the treatment of disease by varying the concentration of substances that are normally present in the body human and are necessary for the health.

To achieve an optimal state of health, the rate of intake of food should be such as to establish and maintain the optimal concentration in the body of essential molecules.

Orthomolecular medicine is therefore based on the principle of re-balancing the individual biochemical with the use of natural chemicals (vitamins, dietary minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, amino acids, essential fatty acids, pro-hormones, probiotics, fiber, fatty acids. ..).Many of the substances used in orthomolecular medicine are essential nutrients, which are offered in high doses.

The goal is to recreate an ecological environment that ensures the optimal functioning of the cell and its production of energy and ability to fight disease.

Orthomolecular medicine aims to treat the cause of the disease and its symptoms.


An example of orthomolecular medicine is the treatment of diabetes mellitus (hereditary disease, usually caused by a recessive gene) with an injection of insulin. Its major disadvantage is that it can be made only through injections.

Another example of orthomolecular treatment of this disease, if not present in the form serious, consists of a balanced diet, especially that regulates the intake of sugar and is such as to maintain the concentration of blood glucose within normal limits.

Does not constitute an example of orthomolecular medicine another way to control diabetes, which is based on the use of so-called oral insulin, the oral insulin being a synthetic drug, foreign to the human body and with possible side effects.

Dr. Bernard Rimland in 1979 took this definition, suggesting that conventional medicine, which makes use of drugs, medicine is called "molecular-toxic."

Nutritional Supplements Antioxidants