Supplements against halitosis

Bad breath, or halitosis, is a problem that can be defined as a feeling of unpleasant taste in the mouth and / or an unpleasant odor during breathing.

The unpleasant odor is due to the presence of certain types of bacteria in the oral cavity. According to the statistics between a third and half of the population suffer from bad breath occasionally: problem that annoys not only the person who suffers from it, but also those that surround it.

Causes and remedies for bad breath

The main medical cause of bad breath, responsible for 90% of cases of halitosis, is the presence of bacteria in the oral cavity and on the tongue.

Some factors may aggravate or trigger bad breath, such as tobacco, coffee, certain foods (garlic, cheese, ...) and, of course, a major factor is poor oral hygiene.
Other causes that can help halitosis are: gingivitis (gum inflammation) and diseases of the oral area, diseases of the supporting tooth (paradontite), tooth decay, stress and anxiety, diabetes, menstruation, obesity, renal failure, problems in the liver: hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure ..., certain cancers, metabolic problems, lung infections. Anything that helps to reduce the production of saliva, also tends to dry out the mouth, causing bad breath: breathe through my mouth, taking certain medications, fasting, swallowing food without chewing it (unless you chew, the less saliva is produced), aging, infection of the throat, tonsils or sinuses.

It 'important, in these situations, pay special attention to your oral hygiene by brushing three times a day, using dental floss at least once a day and doing the rinses. You can also use a scraper to the language that is an important source of bacteria. After drinking a cup of coffee or a cigarette, you may want to chew gum to mask bad breath, and drink water frequently for not having a dry mouth.

Supplements against halitosis