Buy Kolorex Soft Gel, natural remedy for candidiasis


Candida is a parasite belonging to the family of fungi (mushrooms).

About 75% of women have had in their lifetime at least one episode of vulvovaginal mycosis, caused in 90% of cases by a fungus called Candida Albicans. Recidivism, that is another episode of infection, occurs in approximately 40-50% of women.

Candida is normally present in the vagina in small concentrations along with other bacteria (more numerous), which form the vaginal ecosystem.

Candida is evaporated from the latent and asymptomatic to clinical form when the conditions are favorable, including the presence of sugar (it is a condition frequent and difficult to eradicate in diabetics), shortness of breath, poor immune system (for example, periods of psycho-physical stress), the destruction through drugs, his natural enemies (it is very easy to have a candidiasis after antibiotic therapy).


The most common symptoms of infection are whitish vaginal discharge accompanied by burning and / or itching at times very intense and the vulva (external) and vaginal.

In addition to the genitalia, the skin sites most affected by Candida albicans are the interdigital spaces of the hands and feet, the corners of the mouth, skin folds, the periungual tissue (and only later the nail). It can also affect the oral mucosa of a child with an infection called "thrush". Candidiasis may become chronic. The spread in the blood can lead to major complications such as lung abscesses, endocarditis, meningitis and brain abscess.

The infection is highly contagious from man to woman and from woman to woman (just casual contact even non-sexual), but more difficult to man to woman, as in prostatic fluid infected man is only a small charge, insufficient to cause infection.


There are many local antifungal whose chemical names are: clotrimazole, econazole, itraconazole, and more. In fact, except in the case of immunosuppressed patients (leukemia, AIDS), there is no evidence to justify the massive and systematic use of these drugs. In case of candidiasis, in fact, the main problem is not eradicate but rather, to obtain a stable healing. Kolorex Soft Gel is a natural remedy for candidiasis.

Kolorex is based Pseudowintera colored containing active ingredients with known antifungal properties.

The Pseudowintera colored, the main component of Kolorex, has shown a good tolerability of the substance and irrelevant toxicity that combines efficacy comparable to that of fluconazole in a lower rate of recurrent infections (80% after treatment with fluconazole against 32% after treatment with Pseudowintera).
This active ingredient (sesquiterpene-bicyclic-dialdehyde), contained in Pseudowintera colored, is the result, inter alia, active against several strains of fungi: Candida albicans, Candida krusei, Candida utilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Trycophytum.
In addition to the aforementioned antifungal properties, it was discovered that the colored Pseudowintera also contains a good amount of flavonoids - quercetin, for example - through which the plant is protected from attack by free radicals, this feature could be "anti-oxidant and anti dowry -aging "that assured the Pseudowintera colored continuity of the species for over 65 million years.

For their tolerability and safety treatments, both local and oral, with extract Pseudowintera colored can be protracted without causing side effects.


To prevent Candida cure is useful power, limiting sweets and taking regular fruits and vegetables, yogurt and lactic acid bacteria.

Other handy tips are:

Do not use synthetic clothing, especially the microfiber briefs because it adheres excessively and increase the temperature.

Do not use too often tight pants.

Not cleansed too vigorously.

Personal hygiene: washing, then the genitals thoroughly with a mild acid, especially during sexual intercourse. Use lavender intimate is not recommended because, by eliminating or reducing vaginal secretions, alters the environment and can facilitate engraftment infections.

Buy Kolorex Soft Gel, natural remedy for candidiasis