Supplements to promote weight control


Almost two thirds of parents underestimate the weight of their children, and half of parents do not recognize that their children are overweight or obese.
And 'what reports a new study published in the journal Pediatrics.

A team of researchers examined 121 studies published , which contain more than 80,000 estimates of the weight of a child by a parent. The researchers concluded that " Half of the parents underestimate the overweight children, even in cases of obesity "

The results are surprising , given the widespread concern about the health of children. L ' idea that many people are not aware of overweight children in our society seems absurd. In fact, even among adults who live in Western countries, many are overweight and struggling to recognize it, and only a minority follow a healthy diet and regular exercise practice .

There are several possible reasons why being overweight is not obvious to many people , including: misperceptions , for example, that to be obese are only strong in overweight individuals , but also the lack of knowledge about the dangers that the overweight poses to health .

In the case of children , another factor that leads to the denial of the fear of being overweight can trigger eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia . In fact , a healthy diet can lead to developing anorexia in very limited circumstances : about 1 percent of the population, and which generally has a predisposition for the disorder. While the vast majority of people , including children, who lose weight as doctors recommend , so with a healthy diet and regular exercise , only draws great benefits and no risk.

The problem of non- recognition of being overweight or obese is a serious concern for clinicians , especially when it relates to children. A parent is responsible for the health of the child, and , if it does not recognize that the child is overweight , it could cause disastrous consequences for his future health. A child who has a healthy weight and feeding in a healthy way , is likely to be an adult with normal weight and healthy eating habits .  

Source Worldhealth

Supplements to promote weight control