Nutritional Supplements Antioxidants

We have already explained what are free radicals and how they act on our organism , inducing cellular damage and consequently the aging process .

What should be noted is that free radicals are not all equal : are distinguished into different types.

Free radicals of greater biological interest refers to oxygen, nitrogen and , to a lesser extent , to chlorine, carbon and sulfur .

The species most commonly known and widespread is that of ROS = reactive oxygen species , free radicals or reactive oxygen.

It is chemically reactive molecules containing oxygen . ROS form as a natural byproduct of normal metabolism of oxygen. An excess of ROS, due to an improper lifestyle ( UV exposure , sources of pollution, smoking, alcohol, drug abuse , unbalanced diet ... ) and to the natural passage of time gives rise to the phenomenon of oxidative stress and is responsible for significant damage to cell structures.

The most important ROS are the superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical . 

The defense against ROS is represented by antioxidants, which reduce the number of excess ROS and limit cell damage .

In general, the adverse effects of reactive oxygen species on the cell are:

DNA damage   

oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in lipids ( lipid peroxidation )   
oxidation of amino acids in proteins   
inactivation of specific enzymes  

Another cetgoria radical Iberians is represented by RNS = reactive nitrogen species, or free radicals, reactive nitrogen.

The reactive species of nitrogen are antimicrobial molecules derived from nitric oxide ( NO) and superoxide (O2 ) produced by the enzymatic activity. RNS The most important are nitric oxide and peroxynitrite .

The reactive nitrogen species (RNS ) act together with the reactive oxygen species ( ROS) in cell damage , causing nitrosative stress .
These two species are often collectively referred to as ROS / RNS .

A third form of free radicals , less known , is reactive to chlorine, carbon and sulfur .

It ' important to choose products that counteract the action of all species of free radicals, not only of ROS . This type of antioxidant is complete .

In chemistry , the scavenger , literally " scavenger " , is a chemical substance added to a solution in order to remove impurities in the reaction products . Antioxidants are scavengers deputies to the neutralization of free radicals .

Nutritional Supplements Antioxidants

Cream with antioxidant complete