Supplements for liver detoxification

A period of overeating, such as the Christmas holidays, and behold, headache and swelling make its appearance allowing us to how we should deal with our daily tasks. These are some of the signs of the accumulation of toxins in the body, a condition that is the result of an unbalanced diet and which is especially the liver, which performs the function of filter for the harmful substances that accumulate in the body during digestion, to suffer.

One of the most important functions of the liver is in fact the detoxification.

Its purpose is to convert a lipo-soluble substance that can not be excreted from the renal filter in a hydro-soluble substance that can be excreted with the urine or bile. This process, which is responsible for the elimination of hormones and metabolic products, as well as of environmental toxins, and carcinogens than not, takes place in several steps clearly distinguished:

Phase I: in which the fat-soluble substances are transformed into intermediate metabolites (through the action of a large number of cytochromes P 450).

Phase II: during which the more reactive intermediate metabolites (phase conjugation) are related to water-soluble molecules (sulfates, glucuronic acid, glutathione) Step III: during which the original substances, which have become water-soluble, are excreted through the bile or urine.

The environmental pollutants, pesticides, an increased production of substances "toxic" by certain types of intestinal flora, greater permeability of the intestinal mucosa and medications, may lead to an overload of the enzyme system. This manifests biochemically through an accumulation of metabolites reactive intermediates (radical activity), especially when the reactions of Phase I are more active than those of phase II. The clinical signs of impaired detoxification can be evaluated with the help of two questionnaires (MSQ or Symptom Questionnaire Doctors and XTT or xenobiotic tolerance test). The purpose of the first questionnaire, which takes into account the different organ systems, is to quantify the less specific symptoms (fatigue, concentration problems, sensitivity to chemicals or medicines, headache, muscle or joint pain) related to a 'impaired detoxification. This helps to determine the best strategy to follow. The result of the questionnaire can, subsequently, be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. Since the most important steps of detoxification have certain nutrients such as co-factors, insufficient intake of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients from food can affect the function of detoxification.

A recent survey on feeding behavior in Belgium showed that two out of three people in a non-eating healthy. Only 1% of the Belgians who participated in the research can be said to always eat properly. In certain circumstances it may be advisable to optimize the support of nutrients co-factors of enzymes that neutralize free radicals.
When there is need of internal cleaning?
If this is the first time you are faced with this important fundamental question, then you've probably never considered this simple question: do you feel clean inside? Obviously you keep clean your appearance: you shower, brushing hair and teeth regularly, but inside you are clean? In this modern world full of poisons is essential that the colon, liver and other organs in need of regular cleaning, as is the need for a car oil change.
How do you know if it's time to rid the body of accumulated toxins, parasites and other waste materials?

Symptoms of a liver that needs to be cleaned:

  •     Frequent fatigue and asthenia
  •     Flatulence and bloating
  •     Overweight
  •     Food Allergies
  •     Digestion
  •     Irritability and mood swings
  •     Bad breath and smelly stools strongly
  •     Parasites in stool
  •     Frequent colds
  •     Headaches cyclical
  •     Chronic constipation
  •     Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  •     Swollen belly
  •     Feeling of insatiable hunger
  •     Skin problems, eczema, etc..
  •     Metallic taste in mouth
  •     Hemorrhoids
  •     Fungal infections, candida

Benefits of Liver Cleansing:

• Increased energy and concentration
• Decrease in abdominal pain and swelling
• Humor better and a clearer complexion
• Reduced incidence of diseases such as colds and flu
• Prevention of colon cancer
• Digestive system and a healthier colon

Supplements for liver detoxification