Nutritional Supplements Antioxidants

"One of the most fearsome of ionizing radiation is the generation of free radicals," said biochemist Eugenio Luigi Iorio, president of the International Observatory of Oxidative Stress, in the course of transmission "Things from Geo" aired on RAI 3 Thursday, April 28, and assessed in real time, using Geiger counter, the level of radioactivity of a sample of food of plant and animal origin.

"Ionizing radiation such as that emitted by radioactive substances sprigionatesi from the Japanese nuclear power plant in Fukushima - Iorio said in an interview - they are able to break the chemical bonds in any molecule, generating atoms and atomic groupings characterized by having an unpaired electron and, therefore, of free radicals. The latter, in the presence of oxygen, give rise to byproducts called hydroperoxides, considered as potential markers and amplifiers of the insult by oxidative stress ".

There are tests, called d-ROMs test used to assess the level of circulating hydroperoxides, allowing the doctor to highlight one of the most direct effects of ionizing radiation and, with it, consider the need to take antioxidants in a targeted and personalized , in order to counteract the oxidative insult.

"It is no coincidence - said Iorio - just a group of Japanese scholars have recently shown, through the d-ROMs test, developed by the Italian chemist Carratelli, that taking vitamin C can protect dall'insulto oxidative of rats previously exposed to high doses of ionizing radiation.

"Hope, in addition, therefore, nell'affannosa fight for the research of strategies to combat the serious health effects of nuclear accidents. 

Nutritional Supplements Antioxidants