Supplements for Weight Control

Supplements for Promoting Metabolism


Fats or lipids, along with carbohydrates are the major source of energy in the body. Each gram of fat provides 9 calories in fact against the four provided by one gram of carbohydrates. It stocks of fats in our body are virtually endless (each kg of fat tissue has a calorific value of about 7800 calories).
The cells in our body use fats for many other functions: to regulate the cellular metabolism, for the transport of fat-soluble vitamins, for thermal insulation and for the synthesis of hormones.

We often hear about supplements "fat burning" let's make things clear!

Even taking supplements "fat burning" you can not force that much biological mechanisms. In other words, there are substances that can significantly speed up the fat consumption. E 'therefore correct to speak of supplements that promote fat metabolism and subsequent weight control, not supplements "fat burning". Of course, the slogan is certainly less appealing, but we have to stop believing in miracles.

The lipolytic function of these supplements is due to the presence of substances with thermo gene can accelerate the metabolism of these supplements contain caffeine or substances with similar activity, often mixed together, green tea, yerba mate, cola, synephrine, guarana . Through the administration of these substances in the body triggers a hormonal response mediated by catecholamines which favors the increase of the body's metabolism, heart rate, blood pressure and the number of breaths (thereby increasing the oxygenation of the blood). Increasing the energy expenditure of the organism will indirectly burn fat by promoting the loss of excess fatty tissue.

The effect on the metabolism then depends on the quantity of the substances present. It often happens that the presence is acknowledged, but the quantities are insignificant and therefore not significant for the purpose of speeding up the metabolism. Attention, once again, advertising plays on the non-knowledge of the people.

Supplements for Weight Control

Supplements for Promoting Metabolism