Supplements to combat impotence and erectile dysfunction, favoring the masculine vigor  


Impotence or erectile dysfunction is best dysfunction or the inability to achieve or maintain an erection in the presence of adequate sexual stimulation.

In canon and civil law are considered to be two types of impotence:

impotentia coeundi - physical inability of the organ to perform the sexual act

impotentia generandi - inability to generate offspring, which then comprises all types of sterility

According to statistics impotence affects about 13% of Italians, including 60% of those who have more than 75 years and 20% of those between 50 and 54 years.

In some cases there is an erection good enough for penetration, but you lose the tumescence before or during the subsequent pressures in the sexual act.


There are many factors that affect the mental and physical ability to have an erection:

psychogenic factors: (most common among young people) as insecurity, stress, guilt, performance anxiety, relationship problems, depression, premature ejaculation;

organic factors
: a result of diseases such as diabetes, venous disorders, hypertension, renal failure, trauma, spinal cord injuries;

iatrogenic factor
s: removal of the prostate, invasive operations on the bladder, the rectum, abdominal aorta, medications such as diuretics, antihypertensive agents, appetite suppressants, tranquilizers, etc..

The occasional erectile dysfunction may be psychological in origin
, often due to stress. It 'good to emphasize a particular condition, the anxiety of performance, which may result in inhibition of erection is often a result of one or more previous episodes of failure.

The negative psychogenic component is established in the male with erectile dysfunction (impotence), regardless of whether the initial cause both organic or less.

Aging causes a progressive loss of efficacy of sophisticated systems that induce an erection, and then a certain degree of erectile dysfunction (impotence) is a phenomenon paraphysiological in old age.

There are also a number of factors that increase the risk of developing erectile dysfunction (impotence):

- Obesity

- Sedentary

- Smoking, mainly cigarette

- Chronic abuse of alcohol and drugs


Until a few years time ago the only remedy was surgery with the insertion of a prosthesis into the penis or the intake of substances such as papaverine or testosterone.

Today it is possible to use oral therapies (by mouth) which have the advantage of relatively little cost, to be easily available and have mild side effects.

These therapies are divided into drugs, which provide consultation and prescription and supplements, that they are not drugs, do not require prescriptions and are generally free of side effects.

The use of drugs to facilitate the erection should not be promoted more than necessary, given the potential risk of creating drug-addiction psychogenic in the patient.


- Require a prescription

- Have contraindications and side effects




- Do not require a prescription

- Do not have contraindications and side effects

The best known: ARGININA


Sildenafil (Viagra ®) is an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 5, a substance contained in the erectile tissues responsible for the loss of erection.

Causes vasodilation and thus an increased flow of blood in various parts of the body including the penis. Also extends the relaxation of smooth muscles of the corpora cavernosa and this therefore helps to maintain an erection. Requires the presence of sexual arousal.

The tablet should be taken at least 30-40 minutes before sexual intercourse and its effectiveness lasts for another 3-4 hours. It 'best to take it away from meals and abstain from alcohol during use. It 'also effective in case of impotence caused by diabetes, hypertension, trauma, damage caused by prostate cancer.

Can have side effects such as headaches, palpitations, flushing, dizziness, upset stomach, urinary tract infections, increased sensitivity to green and red, diarrhea, etc.. Effects disappear with the termination of employment.

Tadalafil (Cialis ®) inhibits the phosphodiesterase 5, preventing the protein responsible for erectile dysfunction to act. Allows you to maintain an erection. There must be excitement and sexual stimulation.

The length of time is about 24-36 hours, allowing you to experience the sex with greater ease and without the need to program it. You do not need to take the pill on an empty stomach and do not drink alcoholic beverages. It 'also effective in case of impotence from diabetes.

The side effects are mild with contraindications similar to those of Viagra.

The most common side effects after being taken include headaches and digestive disorders. Less common: back pain, muscle aches, nasal congestion, facial flushing and dizziness, swelling of the eyelids, eye pain and red eyes, allergic reactions (including skin rashes).

Vardenafil (Levitra ®) always acts according to the mechanism of inhibiting phosphodiesterase 5. However, this drug is effective after about 20 minutes after and there must always be sexual arousal.

Among the advantages ranks that also acts at very low doses and in a very localized. The action also lasts for 5 hours and has proven effective in cases of impotence caused by diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, poor blood circulation.

Levitra tablets should be taken by mouth with a bit 'of water, the better to avoid meals high in fat.
The duration of effect is not long, "just" for 8-10 hours. The side effects are similar to those of Viagra and Cialis, the most common are headache, flushing of the face, nasal congestion and nausea.

The apomorphine (Uprima ®) is another of the substances in the form of tablets. Unlike the "maintainers erection" this drug "induces an erection".

Humans, however, the results are not always good results. It acts on the central nervous system in the hypothalamus and should stimulate an erection. It is assumed sublingual acting in about 20 minutes in the presence of adequate sexual stimulation.

The duration of erection is still small compared to the "maintainers erection" as Cialis ®, Viagra ® and Levitra ®.

Prostaglandins (Caverject ®) are sometimes used by men who can not take oral molecules mentioned above because, for example, very serious problems of intolerance or very serious problems with blood circulation.

Are injected directly over the corpora cavernosa of the penis causing vasodilation and thus increased blood supply. An erection occurs spontaneously after about 15 minutes without the need for sexual stimulation and lasts for a few hours.

Among other drawbacks of this kind of therapy is that the drug should be applied with an injection. The site of injection, there may be medical problems such as fibrosis, and priapism.



NITROXx is produced in America by Gematria and distributed all over the world for many years. NITROXx is a natural aid to enhance male force. The nitroxide is also called nitric oxide or nitrogen monoxide NO or simply, and is a molecule "signal", many products against impotence are based on this (eg. Viagra ® and Cialis ®).

Its precursor in the human body is the amino acid arginine. Arginine biologically activated would be able to stimulate the production of nitric oxide by restoring function and sexual vigor.

NITROXx is rich in arginine and also the cofactors that the body requires to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a molecule so important that in 1998 the Nobel Prize for medicine was awarded to three Americans for their studies on this molecule. More than 10,000 articles in major scientific journals have been published over the past 10 years around the wide-ranging effects on health and on the other functions of nitric oxide in the body.

NITROXx, in particular, provides arginine biologically activated. The activation is achieved by a system patented by Gematria, called DHP Dynamic Holographic Potentiation. This technology uses the production of holograms which form a dynamic structure to significantly improve the power of micronutrients so treated. Laboratory tests done on arginine treated and enhanced with a method DHP showed important results. The activation of macrophages, the large eaters of bacteria, viruses and debris, would respond to treatment with arginine of NITROXx with the 350% increase (surprising figure) of the production of nitric oxide compared to the average values. The level of this increase was significantly larger than that of macrophages treated with arginine ordinary.

Arginine is an important modulator of vascular response by promoting an increase in the molecule cyclic GMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate). The increase of cyclic GMP cause, among other responses and in the presence of mental stimulus, an erection.

Over time, the use of NITROXx could restore function in impotent subjects.

In subjects not impotent, performance may be significantly increased. Arginine may also have a broader range of health benefits: significantly increase the immune system, cause the release of GH, growth hormone, which in turn stimulate muscle growth and the elimination of fats, the migliorebbe long-term memory and would have a powerful antioxidant.

The effect is expected in about 1 hour.

But also:

For those who have prostate problems: Palm Tree

To promote fertility / sperm production: Astaxanthin


Recent studies of food biochemistry carried out in the United States confirm the importance of food in the sexual, especially those foods that are rich in certain nutrients:

the amino acid arginine, which further increases the number of sperm;

vitamin E, which has a regulatory function of hormonal flows;

zinc, essential for the growth and development of the sexual organs;

Vitamin C helps the vitality and mobility of sperm;

omega 3 fatty acids contained in fish oil and flaxseed oil improves blood circulation, can help reduce cholesterol and prevent the narrowing of blood going.

Supplements to combat impotence and erectile dysfunction, favoring the masculine vigor