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The results of a survey of doctors in studies of the Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine showed that belong to the star system the aesthetic models of reference, in particular, stand out Belen Rodriguez and George Clooney.
3 out of 4 patients are willing to spend from 500 to 2000 Euros per year.

The survey was conducted in April 2012 by the doctors of the Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine among patients attending their studies, asking them to fill out a questionnaire with twenty questions. Aim to understand the reasons that lead patients to turn to the study and take a sketch of the dynamics that lead men and women to act on their physical appearance.

As he approached the aesthetic medicine?

62.2% of respondents said they have approached aesthetic medicine on the advice of friends, 19.6% on the advice of a doctor, 29.6% thanks to the information gathered in the media.

At what age he began to attend the aesthetic doctor?

Two of the three patients went to the doctor aesthetic for the first time between 30 and 50 years, while nearly one in five patients even before that age, when the signs of the time are still to come.

Why go to the doctor aesthetic?

At the top of the reasons the prevention and desire to delay skin aging, but also play an important role not accept for what it is and a certain feeling of disharmony in the figure.

How do you choose the cosmetic doctor?

70.9% of pzienti have turned to a doctor because of the good results it has obtained of friends, 20% at the suggestion of another professional: the family doctor to the dermatologist, plastic surgeon to the gynecologist.

How many treatments Aesthetic Medicine is submitted in an average year?

36.5% tends to go to the doctor aesthetic about every two months.

Since he started to undergo treatment of Aesthetic Medicine, what has changed in your life?

Three out of four patients (75.2%) had no doubts when asked what had changed in their lives as a result of medical aesthetic treatments, "Now I feel better!" Responded, and one in three admitted that the confidence in himself drew a real benefit.

What actions has asked your doctor?

In addition to a general physical examination with the aim of assessing the physical state and the existence of diseases, in the ranking of the interventions required medical attention include: first place (45.3%) Filler / Botox, followed by biostimulation (36.4 %), peeling (31.1%), mesotherapy treatments (19.2%)

How willing / yy invest annually in treatment of Aesthetic Medicine?

The majority of clients (38.8%) of the doctor of aesthetic medicine claims to be willing to invest 500 to 1000 euro per year, and another third goes up to 2000 euro (34.7%).

Source: Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine

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