Supplements of coenzyme Q10


Dr. Svend Aage Mortensen, a cardiologist and researcher at the Danish Medical Chief of the Heart Centre at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, is very optimistic in relation to a new type of therapy for chronic heart failure in which we make use of a natural compound to increase the energy levels in the heart muscle.
"In my opinion, include this new type of therapy is a distinct change in the treatment of chronic heart failure," says cardiologist Danish Svend Aage Mortensen, Chief Doctor of the Heart Center of Copenhagen University Hospital. Since we performed the first clinical trials in Copenhagen in 1983, the doctor was in charge of this particular form of therapy.
Dr. Mortensen is the principal investigator of a study recently published in the international innovation called Q-Symbio, which proves that coenzyme Q10 is able to improve the symptoms and course of disease in patients with heart failure. His research has just been published online in the prestigious Journal of the American College of Cardiology, HEART FAILURE.

It stimulates the heart

"The conventional therapy for heart failure focuses on the inhibition of various hormonal factors that are predominant in heart failure and that strain the heart. Coenzyme Q10, however, can support cellular processes related to energy metabolism, thus providing additional strength to the weak heart muscle, "explains Dr. Mortensen. "The results obtained with other medicines for the heart stimulants used in the treatment of heart failure have been disappointing," he adds.

Based on the results of the study, the treatment is extremely effective. Patients who received coenzyme Q10 showed a lower mortality rate. In addition, they presented fewer hospitalizations due to heart failure compared to patients who did not take coenzyme Q10.

Over 43% of deaths in less

A total of 420 patients with chronic heart failure in the study Q-Symbio, in which each patient has taken a total of two years of treatment. Half of the patients were given three capsules of 100 mg of coenzyme Q10 (Q10 Gold) per day, while the other half received the same amount of dummy capsules containing an inactive placebo. In both groups, patients continued with the regime rather wide of medicines which is usually prescribed in cases of heart failure.

After two years in the group Q10 there has been a decrease in deaths related to heart failure of 43% compared to the placebo group. In addition, patients treated with Q10 showed 43% fewer cardiac complications, including hospitalization due to worsening heart failure.Based on the results of the research, Dr. Mortensen argues that coenzyme Q10 may have a future role as an adjunct in the conventional treatment of heart failure. There are no known side effects caused by the substance, and was noted a change in the patients, although they were already following a recommended treatment for heart failure.

Source: (Journal of the American College of Cardiology, HEART FAILURE, online October 2014)

The heart's natural energy source

All body cells using coenzyme Q10 to produce the energy necessary for the normal cellular function. The body synthesizes the substance but the endogenous production of coenzyme Q10 decreases with increasing age and can be affected by the disease. The heart muscle cells are particularly dependent on energy, which is why these cells contain higher concentrations of coenzyme Q10 compared to cells in other tissues. However, in the case of heart failure, the situation is different. The levels of coenzyme Q10 in the heart fall, leading to a lack of energy that prevents the heart muscle to contract with his usual force and thus causing shortness of breath and chest pain.
When people with heart failure taking supplements of coenzyme Q10 stimulates the exchange of energy in the cells of the heart muscle and in this way the heart recovers his strength.

Q10 Gold is the product of official reference (gold standard) of international research on coenzyme Q10. He was selected by the International Coenzyme Q10 Association for its documented bioavailability and safety.


Source: Pharma Nord


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Supplements of coenzyme Q10