Nutritional Supplements Antioxidants

Those who regularly use the Internet are more likely to healthy behaviors : proper diet , use of supplements , practice sports, aliminazione of alcohol and harmful substances ... is what emerges from a recent study English.

Dr. Christian von Wagner, University College London , has recently carried out a study of data collected on 5,943 men and women enrolled in the Longitudinal Study of Aging, persons aged 50 and over living in England . The subjects were interviewed every 2 years with respect to: demographic data, mental ability , physical activity, diet ... They were also asked about their daily habits and, specifically, their use of the Internet and e-mail.

41% of participants in the analysis said they did not use the Internet , 38% occasionally , 20% regularly. According to the results of the research: the men and women who use the Internet regularly have a lifestyle more healthy and therefore less likely to suffer age-related diseases . Specifically : 50 % more likely to engage in physical activity , and 24% more likely to have a proper diet , rich in fruits and vegetables. They are also less likely to smoke and more likely to carry out checks and screening for cancer.

The researchers therefore concluded that: " The regular use of the Internet may be associated with prevention behaviors of aging and related diseases. Is therefore important to promote the use of the Internet among older people of all nations and backgrounds. This could help to improve their well-being and their life expectancy. "

Nutritional Supplements Antioxidants