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Long ago, I was given the advice that if you want something in life, you find the people who have achieved this and learn from them.

As a cardiologist deeply committed to teaching strategies for longevity and vitality, I studied the lifestyles of communities whose members raggiugono 100 years.
The current thinking is that the life span is determined for 10% of the genetic and 90% lifestyle, luck permitting.
So what can we learn from the lifestyles of centenarians?

The most well-known research on this topic was made by Dan Buettner, journalist and writer, and was published in a book called "The Blue Zones". Working with National Geographic, Buettner searched and visited the communities where they live the people who have lived the lungo.Le areas (nicknamed "The Blue Zones"), where the people live up to 100 years and beyond are: (1) Okinawa, Japan, (2) Loma Linda, California, (3), Sardinia, Italy, (4) Nicoya, Costa Rica, and (5) Ikaria, Greece.

Lifestyles municipalities were found in these 5 areas, although geographically distant:

No smoke
Daily physical activity focused on walking
A vegetarian diet heavy with small amounts of animal protein
Strong family ties and strong social connections 
No fast food and junk foods  

At Loma Linda, the Seventh-day Adventist Church honors the Sabbath as a day of disconnection from the technology and to devote to visiting friends and relatives. Vegetarianism is a way of life celebrated, and eat dried fruit is common while it is rare alcohol consumption.


In Okinawa, you eat until you are full up to 80%, and the average daily food ration is hundreds of calories less than in other parts of Japan.The Sardinians are known to strengthen their Cannonau wine with a triple amount of polyphenols than the average of the red wines; also consume a high amount of beans.


Costa Ricans consume a lot of oranges and their water is hard and full of minerals.

For Ikarians have a classic Mediterranean diet, rich in vegetables grown at home. They drink many teas a day, but also a special greek coffee, rich in antioxidants and polyphenols.


There are lessons that we can incorporate into our lives taken from 5 corners of the world where people grow in a more coherent, more gracefully, and with more vitality? Buettner and other scholars have summarized in the following points:

Play every day
Walk often
Moved often without resort to means mecanici
Live with a purpose (to help others)
Find ways to reduce stress (through rest, prayer, humor ...)
Eat less
Eat less animal products and more vegetables and fiber
Drink alcohol in moderation
Enhance family and love relationships
Create social relations

George Burns, is a century old American. When asked what the key to his longevity, he replied: "Avoid the worries, stress and tension"

Source: Worldhealth

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