See all supplements antioxidants

The news you know, coming mostly from the USA. And Italy is often bringing up the rear in the dissemination of findings, trends and products.

The same goes for Antiaging Medicine born and developed in the U.S. in the early nineties, the anti-aging medicine is considered the medical discipline with the rapid development, supported by the increasingly widespread desire of youth and health.

The anti-aging medicine is not to be confused with the aesthetic medicine: it acts on physiological mechanisms, biochemical, genetic and environmental underlying degenerative process each individual pursues health and balance in general, not just cosmetic.

Evidence of the importance of anti-aging medicine in the United States is the widespread dissemination, supermarkets, pharmacies and more recently in large online stores, products anti-aging (antioxidants). You happened to get into an American supermarket and see huge shelves of supplements of any kind. The same thing happens on the web, where more and more sites that allow online sale of these products at discounted prices.

And what happens in Italy? In recent years, increasing attention is being developed by men and women to care about their physical appearance through fitness, beauty treatments, up to cosmetic surgery. But aesthetic attention which does not start from the physiological conditions, is necessarily partial. Sadly, there is still a culture of anti-aging.
There are still too few people, from 35 years of age, they adopt a lifestyle anti-aging and, in particular, starting a regular and consistent integration based on the assumption of antioxidants. It is mostly women, medium-high, living in large cities.

But we believe that the anti-aging medicine is the future in Italy!

It 'must first make known: promoting the circulation of medical science. Too many people are unaware that there is a real chance of effectively combat aging, prevent diseases and appearing younger, more attractive and healthier.

In addition, the simplicity of the rules to be followed and costs more affordable antioxidants, allow the spread to all sections of the population.

See all supplements antioxidants