Supplements for prostate wellness

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Higher levels of melatonin, a hormone involved in the sleep-wake cycle , can reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer
. And ' what emerges from the results presented at the AACR - Prostate Cancer Foundation Conference in January .

Melatonin is a hormone that is produced exclusively at night in the dark and is closely related to the circadian rhythm, or internal clock . Many biological processes are regulated by the circadian rhythm, including the sleep-wake cycle . Melatonin may play a role in the regulation of a number of other hormones , some of which affect the development of breast cancer and prostate cancer.

"The loss of sleep can affect the amount of melatonin secretion . Among the health problems associated with low levels of melatonin, there is a risk of cancer," said Sarah C. Markt , MPH , a doctoral student in the Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston. "We found that men who had higher levels of melatonin had a 75 % less likely to develop advanced prostate cancer than men who had lower levels of melatonin."

To investigate the association between melatonin levels and the risk of prostate cancer , Markt and colleagues conducted a study of 928 men in Iceland between 2002 and 2009. The researchers found that one in seven men reported problems falling asleep , one in five men reported problems of poor sleep, and nearly one in three reported taking medication to sleep.

Among the study participants, 111 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer, 24 of them with advanced disease. The researchers found that men whose melatonin levels were higher than the median value had a 75 % lower risk of advanced prostate cancer .

" Further prospective studies are needed to investigate the interaction between sleep duration , sleep disturbance and melatonin levels with the risk of prostate cancer," concluded Markt . 

Source: Worldhealth

Supplements for prostate wellness

Supplements to help you sleep