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People apple-shaped, or with localized fat in the central area of ​​the body (abdomen, hips) have an increased risk of sudden cardiac death
. And 'what the professor says Selcuk Adabag the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.

The conformation to pear or apple, technically defined as gynoid or android obesity, indicating a tendency to accumulate more fat in the upper or lower body. Membership in one or other type is obvious at first glance and consists of a Further development of the chest and waist in the case of conformation apple, hips, thighs and buttocks in the case of pear-shaped. Men tend to look more like apple type, women with type pear. It is not uncommon, however, both types found in women, while it is rare to see men with the body of a pear.

Professor Adabag analyzed data from a study of more than 15,000 people, the study "Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC)", which enrolled individuals aged between 45 and 64 years. Of these, 300 have died over 12 years for sudden cardiac death (defined as death occurring within one hour of the onset of symptoms).

According to the researchers, not only age, sex, race, education, smoking status, family history of heart disease, affecting sudden cardiac death, but also the body mass index, waist circumference and waist-hip ratio.

Why store fat in the central part of the body increases the risk of sudden cardiac death is not yet proven: Professor Adabag assumed to be the cause of the inflammatory substances secreted by the abdominal fat.

 "Overweight and obesity are the cause of many problems," he said in an interview Adabag. "People, especially physicians, should actively work on reducing weight. Should not just look at the weight in kilograms, but it is also necessary to evaluate the BMI (ratio of fat mass and lean mass) and measure the relationship life / hips. "

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