Supplements to help you sleep

Little sleep can have a profound effect on the inner workings of our bodies.

The activity of hundreds of genes is altered when sleep is reduced to less than six hours a day for a week.

British researchers have attempted to explain how a lack of sleep can damage your health. Heart disease, diabetes, obesity and some brain dysfunction may be linked to a lack of sleep.

Researchers at the University of Surrey have analyzed the blood of 26 people after they got plenty of sleep, up to 10 hours every night for a week, and compared the results after a week of less than six hours of sleep a night .

More than 700 genes have been altered by the passage from one to another situation. Each gene contains the instructions for making a protein, is therefore responsible for the body's chemistry.

When the natural biological clock is disturbed from sleep deprivation, the activity of genes is altered.

Professor Colin Smith, University of Surrey, told the BBC: "There has been a dramatic change in activity in many different types of geni.È clear that sleep is essential for the reconstruction of the cells of our body and maintaining a state funzionale.Se we can not replenish and replace cells, increases the probability of degenerative diseases. "

The results of this study show that sleep deprivation effects manifest in terms of inflammation and particularly affects the immune system.  

Supplements to help you sleep