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By 2050 the world will be more than 400 million of the octogenarians, compared to 14 million in 1950, and 80% live in low and middle income countries (100 million in China alone) unlike today, where most of the elderly people living in rich countries. And 'what emerges from the document released by the World Health Organization on the occasion of World Health Day, this year dedicated to'' Ageing and Health.''

And it is the World Health Organization, which calls for urgent action to ensure that all people who are aging on the planet can do so in health: good health, it is essential to maintain a high quality of life. For this to happen need structures and welfare systems, especially where it is expected to increase most of the elderly.The UN health agency says that even in the poorest countries, the main causes of death of the elderly are: heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and chronic lung disease.

According to demographic projections, by 2050 the world population will stabilize at about 8000 to 9000 million. And the number of over60 exceed that of children under 5 years old will be two billion (currently 250 million). And just between over60, it is estimated, will be 80% of all deaths.

For the WHO is therefore time to take action and prepare for this and has developed a series of recommendations for preventive strategies, low-cost, but highly effective: the imposition of additional taxes on alcohol and tobacco, the ban smoking in public places and work, the reduction of salt in food, controls hypertension (only 15% of patients receiving care today in developing countries) and awareness campaigns on proper nutrition and exercise.
According to the WHO must also change the way of understanding the elderly, encouraging and facilitating the participation of older people in society.

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