Supplements for sport

Sport activity is usually done in order to obtain a good fitness level.
Briefly, we can say that a good physical shape depends on a valid state muscle, an efficient cardiovascular system and respiratory system.
Among the main effects of physical activity it should be remembered:

promotes weight loss and the development of the muscles, improves blood circulation thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease; reduces the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood; stimulates bone metabolism and promotes the development of the skeletal mass, effectively contributing to the health bones, improves the respiratory system, strengthening the lungs, relieves stress, increases the level of endorphins (hormones of the brain that increase the feeling of happiness and well-being), improves the feeling of self-confidence and control over their body .
The body obtains and maintains good form whether physical activity has the features of regularity and continuity:
Regularity = specific stimuli presented on a regular basis during the week. (Not less than 3 times a week, otherwise you do not see results).
Continuity = reiteration of specific stimuli, regularly, for months. The body has long reaction time for you to change it.
Adequate stimulus = a stimulus that does not exceed the potential individual, more specifically, that does not excessively raise the heart rate. In this case, in fact, you enter into oxygen debt and tissues, instead take advantage of the activity, enter a state of suffering.
But the stimulus to be adequate, he should not be too weak, because it would be useless to the improvement of the physical state.
But there is another fundamental condition is essential to the correct execution of the movement. The training exercises are designed to develop certain muscle groups and to achieve that the movement must follow precise rules (position, execution time, number of repetitions, recovery time ...). However, because our nervous system is programmed to save energy if the operation fails, the effort is spread over a large number of muscles. This decreases the efficiency of muscular work done and can cause damage to other areas of our body.
So regularity, continuity, adequacy exercise and proper execution are the basis for a good fit fisica.Solo so our body is changed and keeps the induced change.

Supplements for sport